So I'm going for a proper bike fit on Saturday...

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Just wondered what to expect. Getting measured up top to toe? Like the opticians, do I come out with a piece of paper with a bunch of figures on it?

Any opinions on whether it's worth it? It's going to cost 35 quid and take an hour.

I have been cycling regularly for 6-7 years now, including 20miles a day commute and riding off on tours to Romania etc., but I am a casual rider, do not ride in a club or have much to do with other cyclists - so have zero idea if anything is setup optimally or even well (other than googling a bit). The straw that broke the camels back was buying a frame I just cannot set up to be comfortable. I kinda of wish I did this along time ago, but we'll see.


I think a bike fit is worth taking the time and spending the money for.

You'll be measured. You might be viewed from all angles. Asked what kind of riding you do, what you aim to do in the near/distance future. If cleats are worn those might be tweaked. If you have any aches and pains those might be taken into consideration also.

Wait. Your fit will only take an hour? Hmm. Possibly a few measurements and a tweak or two in that case. If, after a while you have any niggles or concerns, will they charge for a follow-up?


Go on, tilt your head!
I was reading this months Cycling Active and notice they have a state of the art 3d bikefit setup at Worcester University.... was tempted to take the 4 hour round trip to have a bikefit...they put sensors n stuff on you and make a stick man version of you on a big screen and everything! 2.5 hours for £130.

If anyone is interested :


Wait. Your fit will only take an hour? Hmm. Possibly a few measurements and a tweak or two in that case. If, after a while you have any niggles or concerns, will they charge for a follow-up?

Well, they said it'll take an hour on the phone. It seemed a bit of a throwaway comment, so I'm not sure to take it literally.

That seems very cheap!

It's at Stonehenge Cycles in Salisbury. I've only had a couple of small jobs done but they seem fairly reasonable with labour costs.


Man or Moose!
There are many different bike fit systems and different level's of complexity. 1 hour fitting, for £35 sounds reasonable. At least 2 local LBS's to be offer such fittings at such prices and several club members have said they were pleased with the service, including a very accomplished racer who only went to satisfy his curiosity and use a voucher he won!


My initial bike fit cost me over £120 and that was without cleats. I was very impressed with the husband and wife team and they came highly recommended.


Man or Moose!
Thats cheap, one place local to me wants £120 and I thought that was reasonable

As I stated, there are several complexities of bike fit and several systems. The way this stuff usually work's is either you get an old hand sorting you out for an hour or so based on their age old knowledge, or you find that the LBS will buy in(or rent) a load of equipment and software, receive training and then deliver bike fit's under the particular system (examples of such systems and suppliers include: & So the price of the bike fit tends to vary with the degree of the equipment the shop has bought/hired. You can opt for how in depth you want the fitting to be also.


There are many different bike fit systems and different level's of complexity. 1 hour fitting, for £35 sounds reasonable. At least 2 local LBS's to be offer such fittings at such prices and several club members have said they were pleased with the service, including a very accomplished racer who only went to satisfy his curiosity and use a voucher he won!

I suspect I will benift plenty from a basic fitting, measure up and a chat with someone who knows their stuff on the matter. But we'll see!

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
I need one of these fittings too. Although time is of the essence, so i'm gonna do my own with the wifes help! :laugh: (How many arguments can there be in 30 minutes?)
Using some useful ''YouTube'' Videos!
Should be fun..... :B)lol


Mine was the best £125 I have spent on cycling in 45 years. However I would say I have been measured and fitted for bikes many in fact a lot of times over my cycling lifetime, but Adrian Timmis got it the best so far.

I would say the title is a bit misleading, at £35 it is unlikely to be a proper bike fit, more like a few tweaks.


Active Member
hi, i've also been down to a lbs he had a quick look at me and the bike,made a few comments and suggestions on the subjucts that i brought up and if i wanted to follow up in more detail, return on tuesday for a more thorough " going over". but just the initial chat had me feeling confident. i am looking forward to it, by the way this guy has a bike shop in ashby-de-la-zouch (leics). will post after i'm done.


Okay I went for one. Sorry to bring an anticlimax to anyone expecting a review, but it didn't happen in the end. The frame was too big for it too be worth bothering going ahead with a proper fit. I kinda knew this anyway, but it was at least good to hear it from the horses mouth. Well, I'll be messing about for a few weeks on eBay and doing a rebuild and repost when I get a fit, which I will be sure to do.
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