Like last year it's been a funny one what with the ongoing pandemic. I've still been cycle commuting to work every day. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of my regular cycling commuting buddies who I've got to know over the years are no longer cycle commuting or are doing their run at different times. On the other hand I have seen a good few new cycling commuters on a regular basis.
On the leisure cycle front. I still managed to finish another year of the Imperial Century a Month Challenge. Gaining my 11th gold star in the process. My 12 year of the challenge is just around the corner.
I have however cut back on my cycling mileage, now not going out every weekend as I used to do. weaning myself off that treadmill. I still managed over 8000+ miles for the year ( with 10 days still to go, I may sneak in another century to round the year off)
There's been no French or Spanish tour this year again. Hopefully that will be rectified next year with a tour of South Eastern Spain currently being planned.
I bought a new bike. A rather lovely Pashley Parabike so myself and my partner can pootle to the shops for coffee etc.
Talking of my partner. We originally met on a Cycle Chat forum ride. She was a very avid, strong cyclist. But got hit by Long Covid quite hard. So there's been no longer distance riding for her (us together), finding her now lack of fitness and long covid problems very demotivating. But we are hoping to try change that next year when the weather is better, get her enjoying her cycling again.
So how has your 2021 cycling year been?
On the leisure cycle front. I still managed to finish another year of the Imperial Century a Month Challenge. Gaining my 11th gold star in the process. My 12 year of the challenge is just around the corner.
I have however cut back on my cycling mileage, now not going out every weekend as I used to do. weaning myself off that treadmill. I still managed over 8000+ miles for the year ( with 10 days still to go, I may sneak in another century to round the year off)
There's been no French or Spanish tour this year again. Hopefully that will be rectified next year with a tour of South Eastern Spain currently being planned.
I bought a new bike. A rather lovely Pashley Parabike so myself and my partner can pootle to the shops for coffee etc.
Talking of my partner. We originally met on a Cycle Chat forum ride. She was a very avid, strong cyclist. But got hit by Long Covid quite hard. So there's been no longer distance riding for her (us together), finding her now lack of fitness and long covid problems very demotivating. But we are hoping to try change that next year when the weather is better, get her enjoying her cycling again.
So how has your 2021 cycling year been?