Small cartilage tear in my Knee to operate again or not

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Rollin' along
Manchester way
I was knocked off late last year and the upshot was cartilage damage to my knee. Operated on in May but proper rest and extensive physio afterwards still left me swollen and in pain. I've been back and forth to the consultant since week 2 telling him it wasn't right, (I've had a successful cartilage op before, I knew pretty much instantly it didn't feel the same as that) 5 months on and eventually an MRI scan which finally shows that there is still a small torn area in the same place.
Its been left up to me if I want to go for another operation to fix it properly this time or live with it and see if it wears down naturally.

Another complication is my work situation, sickness for whatever justified or not reason is a significant decision factor in redundancies and they're looming large again. One episode of sickness can be discounted but after that its a real big thing. Only if I can persuade my consultant to admit he missed this tear first time round can I get a second op lay off added to the first and written off as a single episode.
Not gonna happen from professional pride nor the concern I may sue him (rather than just use it to keep my job). He's already come out with a raft of backtracking why there was no pre op MRI and why there's still damage after the first attempt.

what are peoples experiences with leaving what I'm told is a more minor tear; and to be fair it doesn't feel as bad as it did prior to the first op; is it going to wear away or am I better biting the bullet and hoping I can square work?


Legendary Member
I had a tear in the meniscus, tried to rehab it for 4-5 months as looked small on the MRI. In the end, I had buckling as well as the locking, swelling and pain and had it scoped. Was hoping for a repair but unfortunately it had got much worse so was trimmed. I'd have it sorted before it gets worse if you can't live with the symptoms. Could you use holiday for the op instead, how long will you be off for? Maybe get it done as close to Xmas as possible?

Unfortunately a once torn and trimmed meniscus is always more vulnerable to a retear

I don't really understand how you can have the two sick periods put together if there is a gap between them?

Good luck


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Do you have an on-going PI case ? In which case I'd have a chat with the solicitor - i.e. on-going damage still in knee from original incident, get them to contact your HR to let them know it's linked to the first incident.

I was very close to getting my solicitor to shoot a rocket up my manager last year, as the doctors gave me all sorts of nerve drugs to stem the nerve pain, but side effects were it made me lose concentration, loss of sleep etc. Very quickly ditched them, but you have a number of months when the GP has to see what works or doesn't.

I was also somewhat miffed when I had to take 3 weeks off after my little op last month, and I'm likely to need to go back. Again my boss has been less than helpful, and I spent the 3 weeks answering every email that came through (which you aren't supposed to do whilst sick).

Personally, it needs fixing ! Your health is more important.
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