Skyride - Strong Plus

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Über Member

Has anyone taken part in one of the ride strong plus sky rides?

Thinking of signing up for one but the website says they are not the 'faint hearted' with a pace around the 13-15 mph mark with some hills thrown in.

My average pace over similar distances and elevations (25 miles) so far is about 12-13 mph without pushing myself too hard so do you think in a group I should be able to keep pace? Fancy riding in a group but not confident enough to try any local club rides yet.

Think I'm going to sign up anyway but wanted to put my mind at rest first!


i dont think the pace would b a prob really ,its the "hills"that will matter ,


Über Member
That's what worried me, looking at the route it's 1200 ft of climbing in 25 miles, I've only done one ride over 20 miles and that was 1300 ft of climbing over 30 miles.


Proud Daddy
You could have a go at all or bits of the route on your own if you know it. But the added bonus of a motivational group can be worth a lot, plus as a skyride, they should be highly sympathetic to anyone that might be struggling.


Über Member
You could have a go at all or bits of the route on your own if you know it. But the added bonus of a motivational group can be worth a lot, plus as a skyride, they should be highly sympathetic to anyone that might be struggling.

Yep, and also the company will probably make you ride better/up your game anyway, or fall off and look a right numptey! :ohmy::laugh:


Senior Member
I did a couple of "ride strong" sky rides towards the end of last year and was really surprised at how tough they were. They are the step down from the rides you're looking at, they're in the 12-13mph range but they seemed so much harder because they were extremely hilly and going down every hill they hit the brakes hard, which obviously lowers your average speed meaning you have to work harder than normal to attain the same average speed you would on your own.

I don't want to worry you or be negative but I just wanted to share my own experience. Personally I went into those sky rides doing 14-15mph on my own and found that the 12mph pace almost killed me!

I've just looked on the sky rides website and so far they only have strong plus rides organised. I guess that is because it is winter and they only think more serious riders will turn out. Normally they have 4 different levels of pace and the ride strong (12-13mph) ride is the second strongest of those, which is the one I went on. It may be worth waiting until some of those are planned. It's up to you. Even if you do struggle up the hills, they always wait for you so it's not as if you get left behind!


Über Member
Cheers for the feedback, might try the route myself first and see how I get on before committing or wait until some ride strong rides come up.
You could have a go at all or bits of the route on your own if you know it. But the added bonus of a motivational group can be worth a lot, plus as a skyride, they should be highly sympathetic to anyone that might be struggling.

Fair enough. However im a total nutcase and ruthlessly antagonize anyone that is slower than 14-15mph. Do what this guy said anyway.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I've not done a strong one. but can recommend Sky Rides in general.

Very well organised, route well thought out and the three leaders were very approachable.

And they gave out free Sky Ride luminous bibs.

Edit: Forgot to add, the leaders told me they'd all been on first aid and other leader courses run by Sky.


Senior Member
I would suggest e mailing the sky ride leaders to see how fast they normally go,I attended 1 last year and it was a mixture of levels, some maybe not as fast as advertised but we all rode together ,waited for slower and the faster people at times rode away but waited later on. Stopped at a nice pub, a good morning out and well led by the leaders, it was the last 1 of the season so maybe bit slower that fact.

Has anyone taken part in one of the ride strong plus sky rides?

Thinking of signing up for one but the website says they are not the 'faint hearted' with a pace around the 13-15 mph mark with some hills thrown in.

My average pace over similar distances and elevations (25 miles) so far is about 12-13 mph without pushing myself too hard so do you think in a group I should be able to keep pace? Fancy riding in a group but not confident enough to try any local club rides yet.

Think I'm going to sign up anyway but wanted to put my mind at rest first!
I have just checked my data, my second ride was 55ft a mile but only 9 miles, @ 9.8mph, since then (Oct) I have done 23 rides over 25 miles all with a 48ft per mile + climb, average are 36.4miles avg sp 12.97mph and climb rate 54.26ft per/mile, and thats with full mudguards rack and panniers (upto 3-5Kg).
So if like me ( and our averages seem similar) I am sure for 25 miles (because its not that far) you could probably but in a little more effort to maintain a reasonable, performance. My last reasonable long ride was @13.14mph 31miles 68.48ft per mile.
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