Skullie Review.

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"Young and Ex-whippet"
Yesterday I went out and bought a skullie (skull cap) from Halfords. It was only a tenner and fits perfectly under the helmet. As soon as I started riding with it on (the route home) I discovered that it kept my ears lovely and warm, whilst stopping me getting too hot.
They are an ingenius solution to keeping your ears warm. You really need to try one.


Active Member
The only problem I find is using them with glasses, they seem to slip up over your lugholes and dont keep them warm. Although, I do agree they make a noteable difference. I bought a running one from Aldi for £2.99.


No longer a Specialized fanboy
I also have the Halfords one (polaris?) and find it excellent.

The only thing is that it seems to amplify traffic noise. On several occaisions I thought someone was about to bend my derailiuer with there bumper becasue they sere so close, but when I looked they were a respecable distance.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
I also have the Halfords one (polaris?) and find it excellent.

The only thing is that it seems to amplify traffic noise. On several occaisions I thought someone was about to bend my derailiuer with there bumper becasue they sere so close, but when I looked they were a respecable distance.

Mines Dare2B.

I must agree with you there. When I am talking to myself or having a little sing (as you do) I always find that it makes me feel as though I have a cold and everything is echoey. I helps cancel the wind noise though.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I use a lycra type one under the helmet for 3 seasons to absorb sweat. Winter I have two aldi ones and a biemme one. Need them with a well vented helmet - stops my head freezing. Been using my winter ones for a few weeks. The winter ones i have are windproof at the front mainly, and less at the back for heat transfer.


Part time Anorak
West Yorkshire
i use a buff i got free with cycling plus .

I have got one of these as well from the mag and it's not bad for a freebie. I use a skull cap if it is bitter outside as I get forehead freeze and my eyebrows go all stiff with no movement, it sound silly but find it uncomfortable even on short journeys.


My Armchair
Dug my skullcap back out for a few of this weeks early commutes, they are lovely for keeping the ears warm.

Buff in balaclava style is my preferred winter accessory though :ph34r:


New Member
Taunton Somerset
Settled into an Altura headband. pricey really should have got the Halfords version looks better actually. Wearing bins though is a problem; that tiny gap where the arm of them leaves a gap means the flies/creepy-crawlies keep finding their way in. Darn they tickle.



Well-Known Member
Milton Keynes
I plan on getting the Altura skull cap which has had great reviews on the Evans website. Thankfully I'm on their mailing list so keep getting discount codes so will make it even more affordable
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