Sirrus Sport 2009 vs Sirrus 2010

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New Member
Hi to all. First post in the forum and in general my first let's say "serious" appearance in the cycling world.

I wondered if anyone of you could help in my dilemma. I am about to buy a new bike and since it is the first time I am going to spend that much money, I wanted to do it as safe as possibly. I am between Sirrus Sport 2009 and Sirrus (the basic model) 2010. However, being a complete noobie, I cannot understand which one is better. I mean they cost almost the same money, they look similar and they do not have much of a difference when it comes to features. Or do they? I mean the differences between Sirrus Sport 2010 and Sirrus 2010 are obvious. It's not the same though with Sirrus Sport 2009.

Can anybody give me some advice on this? Which one should I go for? A short note: I am much more into the looks of Sirrus 2010.

These are the models:

Sport 2009:

Basic 2010:


Nr Cambridge

Ride them both, decide which you like the most, then buy it. The 2009 model should be priced at a discount as it is last year's model. I don't know the individual specs, only that the components on both are both probably a bit basic. So when they have worn out after 18 months just replace with new decent stuff. That's what I did with my Sirrus Sport.


New Member
Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately, I have the option of trying only Sirrus 2010. So, I cannot really follow your advice. The technical specifications can be found in the links I posted.


Well-Known Member
without looking at the specs too much, I would say with the 2009, you are getting more for your money.

basically manufacturers dumb down specs every year as parts become more expensive...

you are getting more for your money with the sport 2009 esp with things like cassette. a nicer close ratio 12-25 instead of one that goes to 32

check this out|ec020018

I have the 2009 basic sirrus. I upgraded the shifters as I couldnt get on with them. I have closer to the ones on both models so that is not a factor and I ran the chain and cassette out so I could change to a 12-25 as it is much better to ride on the road


New Member
Thanks again. Regarding the size of the bike, I am 1.83m which actually puts me on the L frame side, but actually the M size is only 2cm less of what it would be the optimal for me. Is this really such a big deal? I am asking because I have not the opportunity of test driving the bikes.


New Member
davidg said:
get down to EVans and test ride one! you'll at least get an idea

Unfortunately, this is not possible. Is the difference that big? Something that cannot be corrected by adjusting the saddle for example?


Well-Known Member
I dont know...I am sure saddle height can be adjusted within reason. then it is just reach to the bars

really it is the virtual cross bar length that is most important


Nr Cambridge
dpapam said:
Unfortunately, this is not possible. Is the difference that big? Something that cannot be corrected by adjusting the saddle for example?

You are buying a bike on the advice of posters on here and not test riding it for yourself first!!! Blimey. Sure, seeking advice on components fair enough but when it comes to sizing issues we have no idea of your own geometry and how you will sit on a bike. Can't believe you are not near a reasonable bike shop or you can't travel to the bike shop to test ride the bike you are interested in :tongue:.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
It doesnt look to me as if there is a whole lot of difference between the two original choices.

The 2010 Sport on the other hand has a carbon fork, which most people find a lot more comfortable to ride.

If your budget won't stretch that far, definitely try the 2010 Sirrus in both Medium & Large sizes before you commit to anything.


Bexley, Kent
I bought a Sirrus sport when I started cycling a three or four years ago. According to the charts I need a 'medium' size, but Evans encouraged me to go and try. I did and it turned out that the 'large' was far more comfortable and I've been very happy with it ever since. I still ride it for commuting, although just about every component has been changed out as it has worn. And of course, it's now just one of several bikes in the garage. Coz, that's what happens!

So, you really need to go and try.

all thumbs

New Member
Similar conundrum on sirrus size


I’m in a similar conundrum over size.

I’m fixed on the basic sirrus (2010) on this rear cycle to work scheme. Have tried both medium and large frames and both feel fine. I’m 5’9’’ which might explain it as on the sirrus sizing chart this puts me bang on the boarder between the two.

Whats your problem you might ask? Well what it is is that I swear the large bike looks better than the medium. Can this be the case or am I going mad? I had both sized leaned up against the shop wall and, although I can’t put my finger on it, the larger just looks so much sweeter, sleeker and dynamic whereas the medium looks a little more sit-up-and-beg.

Can the difference in geometry between the sizes make that much difference and does anyone agree with my comments?


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
I don't know about the Sirrus, but some bike models just "look right" in one size and "not quite" in another.

If they both fit, and you prefer the "look" of the large, get the large. Simples!

Oh - and Welcome to CC by the way!
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