Shimano R500 wheels ?

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I fitted a pair recently, but hav'nt done enough mileage to guage much.
They seem to run well, but some members have said they flex a lot. Can't say ive noticed . I guess if youre racing or really really pushing them, they may show some flex, but for normal riding / commuting, i'd say they were good value. (i got mine from Fatbirds @ £68 ish...i have seen them in Cycling weekly, Parkers perhaps, at a smidgeon over £70, and that included tyres and tubes as well )
One thing, i did have a hell of a job to get Conti Ultra Sports on them ;)
Excellent wheels - for the money.

I have a pair on my bike in Tenerife - I was initially worried that they wouldn't be tough enough for some of the bad roads but they have given me no problems in 1500kms.

I've also got a pair on my training bike.

Yes slightly heavy but what do you want for 60 quid ?


Ok, i've been trying to analyse this...the flex.
Up till today, i couldnt figure exactly how you would feel the flex in the wheels, or if i could feel any.
Now i know, i think. ive just fitted a computer with its sender on the front wheel. The sender is a few millimeters from the spokes. While out of the seat, pushing moderately hard and taking the frame and wheels off vertical (does that make sense)...the magnet is gently striking the sender. As soon as i sit down and ease off, it doesnt happen. This must be the flex in the wheels....i think :biggrin:


New Member
yep - thats how it shows itself - also if you have the brakes adjusted so the pads are quite close to the rims then the rims can touch the brake pads in out of the saddle efforts - you can hear them and it must slow you down!

I don't have the R500's but it is often said that the 550's were well worth the additional. I did have a set of R561's which are excellent though. I paid £140ish for them a year ago - they are £98 in ribble now. They are the '105' spec wheels and very nice for the money.
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