Shimano disk brake judder/

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My Trek 6000 MTB with Shimano disk brakes is squealing like a pig and wheel juddering when slamming the brakes or when I ease them on and get down to about 7MPH.

I have cleaned them, sanded the pads, emery cloth on the disks, tightened the disk retainer rings and every possible bolt to no avail.
The disk are not out of true.

Any ideas?

Thanks all


Über Member
You could try some disc pad grease [from the car factors] on the back of the pads.


After doing everything maintenance wise perhaps it is time to consider new pads, regardless of what the old ones look like. Just one thought as I wrote that, going back to my motorcycle days, it MAY help to file or sandpaper a slight bevel on the pad's leading edge.


...But only if there is no chance of the grease getting on the discs through the pads, some (avid pads?) have vent holes it could get through. Maybe, i think...

Just an aside from Paul's comment, you only need a mere finger wipe of grease not half a tube. The holes through the pads is also a relevant point to check.
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