Setting Power meter to % or zone?

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Über Member
I just installed a power meter but have made 5 rides.

Have you ever set your meter to %FTP or Zone? I understand in sprint, one would like to see absolute figures. I’m referring to long rides and I find the % and zone gives me a range that I’m riding within that sets me on track. I’m not sure, perhaps it’s a matter of time in getting use to seeing spiky figures.


Man or Moose!
Seriously... BUY A BOOK!

How many threads related to silly data display queries do you need to create? You should have done some reading before throwing money at a power meter, if you had done just a little bit of reading, you would know the answers to all of these questions!

PS. In a sprint, it doesn't matter what the hell is on the screen as you should NOT be looking at it!


It's cool @Rob3rt , the guy has sprinkled random PM questions all over the interweb, he has probably already forgotten that he's put this one here. If his approach to using the tinternet is mirrored in his approach to training, I am fairly sure his efforts are doomed anyway.


Senior Member
I have THE book - I bought it whilst I was considering buying a power meter. I am glad I did and it convinced me to press go (now awaiting a delivery from Strada of a PowerTap wheel). I can certainly see that training with power isn't going to be for everyone, and reading the book will help people decide if it is or isn't.

I'm quite excited about the opportunities as I train towards the 24hr TT next season. Expect some dumb questions from me at some point - but hopefully slightly more informed, having read the book, but still dumb!


Dumb questions we can handle, it's random questions and then running off without ever checking back for an answer that gets a bit tiresome :wacko:


Über Member

Its ok to throw bricks at me if the majority thinks I'm asking a stupid question. Not everyone like some of you reads. Firstly, I hardly have the time to read. Some say why not do a search. I did my friend, but nothing come close to my questions.Its a simple but probably sound stupid, worst than a dumb question, of me to ask here. You guys need not be so hard on me, If you get annoyed, just moved on. No obligation to come and whack me.

I'm asking a decent question of which it may seems quite related to my previous post. I take things one at a time and when I stumble across something, i ask. Anything wrong with that?

BTW, if you check my history, I'm not trolling here. Some may sound very basic, but I'm learning along. If everyone were to read a book, than this forum ought to close.

Thank you all.


Man or Moose!
Put it this way, on this forum, there are hardly any power meter users, if you want answers to questions, you would be well advised to put in a little work yourself such that those who do know don't feel like they are wasting their time getting into the details with you. Read the book (you don't even need to read it cover to cover), if you can not understand something, ask. Not having time... no excuse.

You must have created 3-4 threads all asking what should be on your Garmin screen, if you can't work that out for yourself based on a very rudimentary understanding of training with power, then how do you expect to get anything out of power meter ownership and why would anyone be inclined to spend 20-30 minutes explaining something to you if they feel it is going to be totally lost on you?



Look you are asking the same question over and over. All over.

The very first thing anyone with a power meter learns, indeed the very first introductory line of any book on the subject is that the nature of power delivery is stochastic. The very next thing is how to interpret that data.

If you google power meter, almost any website will give an explanation of how to set up your head unit so as to be able to interpret your data. Have you done that?

Saying that you don't have time to read essentially means that you would like others to do your reading for you. As Rob3rt says, why would we invest our time when you can't be bothered to invest yours?


Über Member
I did ask same question to gather opinion. Ok, may sound very offensive to some of you by asking too much. I'm not sure whether did anyone do survey in this forum. In other forum, some would ask what bike you using, what grp set, wheel set etc. etc. Ok, its different issue all together. My question also akin to know what's the normal user setting. Since I'm new to power metering, I like to know what's the acceptable or most used usual setting. Books don't tell you this. I'm not asking how to make use of a power meter. That I have to read up.

In life, it can't be so rigid. Its not always one has to know the knowledge before acquiring the gadget. One can also learn on the go, asking friends, read, ask and move on.I'm not trying to sound defensive but this forum seems unfriendly. Sorry to all by asking.


What's normalised power?

What's TSS, CTL and ATL?

How can you determine your FTP?

What's zero offset and how do you set it?

When should you set the zero offset?

If you can't answer basic questions like these then you're wasting your time worrying about what's displayed on your Garmin.

Did you buy the power meter just to see how many (or few) Watts you can out out in a sprint?
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