betty swollocks
large member
......Some of mine:-
- Always expect a vehicle when you would least want it to be there.
- Never go up the inside of large vehicles even if there's a cycle lane.
- If you're stopped at the lights and a large vehicle draws up alongside, inch forward past the front of the vehicle and look the driver in the eye....especially if there's a left turn ahead.
- There is almost always a reason for a gap in a queue of traffic: don't go there.
- Never trust a car's indicators.*
* For some reason, I broke this one today. I was coming out of a side road and a car was coming up the main road on my right indicating to turn into the road I was coming out of. On the basis of this and that everywhere was clear, I stamped on the pedals to turn to my right and entered the main road, only to have the driver cancel her indicator and drive straight on. Luckily she saw me and slowed, which allowed me to complete my maneouvre. She even waved a hand in (I assume) apology, but had a collision ensued, it would have been my fault.
Never trust a car's indicators.
- Always expect a vehicle when you would least want it to be there.
- Never go up the inside of large vehicles even if there's a cycle lane.
- If you're stopped at the lights and a large vehicle draws up alongside, inch forward past the front of the vehicle and look the driver in the eye....especially if there's a left turn ahead.
- There is almost always a reason for a gap in a queue of traffic: don't go there.
- Never trust a car's indicators.*
* For some reason, I broke this one today. I was coming out of a side road and a car was coming up the main road on my right indicating to turn into the road I was coming out of. On the basis of this and that everywhere was clear, I stamped on the pedals to turn to my right and entered the main road, only to have the driver cancel her indicator and drive straight on. Luckily she saw me and slowed, which allowed me to complete my maneouvre. She even waved a hand in (I assume) apology, but had a collision ensued, it would have been my fault.
Never trust a car's indicators.