The South-East Essex Group of the Cyclist's Touring Club (CTC) invites you to join our annual Reliability Ride, on Sunday February 24th 2013. This established 75-mile event takes in some beautiful Essex countryside. The start point is the Market Café in Woodlands Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AL. 3 start-time options - 0830 (7-hour ride), 0900 (6-hour ride) and 0930 (5-hour ride). Refreshments will be available at the cafe (start/finish)and the approximate half-way point (Great Bardfield Town Hall). Entry fee: £5.00 (postal entries, cheques made payable to 'South East Group'); £6.00 ('on the line'). Further details: Further details: Contact: Stefan Eichenseher (organiser),, 01702 621810. Postal entries to Stefan Eichenseher, 42A Whitegate Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 2LQ. Hopefully, you can join us on this challenging ride!