See cyclist, think horse...

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Hmmm - the way some idiots drive around horses here, it may not be quite the right message?


Über Member
Previous public awareness campaigns (drink driving, seatbelt use and speed reduction) have generally been hard hitting and to the point. This campaign infuriates me as its seems to portray it all as a bit of a joke, or nothing to be taken that seriously. This is in light of an increasing number of injuries and fatalities amongst those who choose to cycle.
Wife is ready to go out wearing a lycra ensemble, and mounts bike....

Given a moment of feminine doubt, she adoringly looks in your eyes and asks for reassurance .... "Does my bum look big in this?"

You reply "I was thinking Horse"

When you are discharged from intensive care you may realise that this was not a good reply
I like it. Can we see some pics, need to know if it's worth a trip to A & E !!



Über Member
Are those SPDs?

No I think they may be racing plates lol.


I know where my towel is
Am I the only who thinks this campaign is a waste of money and is patronising?
424k for crying out loud...

The opening video is about RLJ'ing, which is a minority on a form of transport that is still trying to grow. Not very realistic either, she is wearing a helmet.

The attempted humor I find to be pathetic, and makes my blood boil, as it in my mind making light of something very serious.

I preferred the video done by Ireland.

I really hope they don't waste England's active travel budget on this.

It is the worst kind of sticking plaster.
VISIBLE enforcement, mandatory retesting, and presumed liability in my view is where we should be starting, but there is no politician with either the ovaries or balls to do this, and the culture in this country is not where it needs to be to make it happen.

Rant over, as this is the Internet feel free to disagree with me. :tongue:

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
I got one of the booklets through the door this week and genuinely thought it was a spoof at first.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Can't believe this cretinous campaign also includes billboards. In Edinburgh, a few yards from a cycle path indistinguishable from normal pavement, there's a huge billboard saying "Haven't you grown out of cycling on the pavement". When I saw the six or seven cyclists a few seconds later, my first thought was ""what idiots" because you have to look really hard to see the cycle path sign. I expect most motorists won't look so hard.


Here for rides.
See cyclist, think horse, roar past horse in your Audi leaving very little passing room on account of the oncoming traffic. If a collision ensures blame the horse and rider and claim "they should not be on the roads".

That's how it works around here anyway. (I can't be faffed to find the link to the newspaper report)
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