Securing a QR rack.

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Hi all,

Dose anyone have any ideas how i can make my rear quick release rack more secure, because as soon as i put my pannier bag on the side of it, it just slides to the right and the rack starts to rub on the wheel no matter how tight i make it.

It dose have rubber washer thingy on it and i never really carry any weight in the bag.

I would like to keep it the QR rack as i use the pannier when commuting then at weekends i like take the bike off road and prefer the look of the bike with out the rack.

Its there any thing i can do/try or am i going to have to give in a buy a proper rack?



As long as I breathe, I attack.
I have the same rack that i use with 2 panniers, maybe dividing the weight helps as mine never slips although i can only just move the rack anyway as its really tight.Are you using the correct rubber bit as mine came with 2 ?


Active Member
Hi cyberknight,

It did come with 2 bits, 1 is to big and the other fits, but i have tried both and had a big strong neighbours try tightening it but still no use,

Ive only got one pannier but it only ever has my work clothes and lunch nether are very heavy that's what is so frustrating, over a few bumps then i have to stop and pull the rack straight again.

Thanks again,
Try a small load strap from your saddle rail to the far end of the rack on the opposite side of the pannier. Just put a bit of tension on it and see if that works. I presume you can't fit a normal rack?


Active Member
Thanks guys,

Crackle, i tried what you said but im not sure im doing it right as the strap just kept slipping off, and i can fit a normal rack im just being fussy lol

Stan, That has seemed to of helped quite a bit.

Thanks again,
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