Hi Guys me again
So I still have this 2010 Secteur Elite this time my question is about the seat post. This bike is my fist with a post like this it has 2 bolts for levelling the saddle one underneath as standard and one I access through the anti numb willy hole in the top of the seat im aware you level the saddle with a balance between these 2 bolts but what happens if I want to use a seat with no anti numb willy hole? how do I adjust then it seems like this would be a proper ball ache?
Sorry for n00b question but hey if ya dont know ask huh!
Only just found out the front mech has "trim" gears on it thought is was poorly adjusted till this week and ive had the bike a year lol
Thanks in Advance
So I still have this 2010 Secteur Elite this time my question is about the seat post. This bike is my fist with a post like this it has 2 bolts for levelling the saddle one underneath as standard and one I access through the anti numb willy hole in the top of the seat im aware you level the saddle with a balance between these 2 bolts but what happens if I want to use a seat with no anti numb willy hole? how do I adjust then it seems like this would be a proper ball ache?
Sorry for n00b question but hey if ya dont know ask huh!
Only just found out the front mech has "trim" gears on it thought is was poorly adjusted till this week and ive had the bike a year lol
Thanks in Advance