Secteur Carbon seat post

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New Member
Hi Guys me again

So I still have this 2010 Secteur Elite this time my question is about the seat post. This bike is my fist with a post like this it has 2 bolts for levelling the saddle one underneath as standard and one I access through the anti numb willy hole in the top of the seat im aware you level the saddle with a balance between these 2 bolts but what happens if I want to use a seat with no anti numb willy hole? how do I adjust then it seems like this would be a proper ball ache?

Sorry for n00b question but hey if ya dont know ask huh!

Only just found out the front mech has "trim" gears on it thought is was poorly adjusted till this week and ive had the bike a year lol

Thanks in Advance



From memory, a short allen key. The seat position should be kinda fit'n'forget, so it's only a "ball ache" (did you mean to do that? :biggrin: ) once or twice.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I have a 2010 Secteur and replaced the original saddle with a Charge Spoon a few weeks ago. The Spoon has no holes to get an Allen key on the front adjustment screw, but you don't need to. Slacken off the back screw that points downwards and the fore and aft movement is available. If you loosen it a bit more, you can turn the knurled bit of the front screw with your fingers by reaching through the side of the saddle. The front screw just sets the saddle tilt. When you tighten up the back screw at the end of your fiddling, both the tilt and the front/back positions lock in place.

That is probably as clear as mud....:rolleyes:


New Member
Nice 1 slowmotion

I totally understand what you mean I have Avatar Saddle on mine do you? if so how do you find spoon in comparison?


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
kilf, I'm amazed that anybody could understand my instructions.:biggrin: I struggled with my first attempts at putting on the new saddle, but it seems so obvious now.

The original saddle was a Specialized "Body Geometry Rival 143" and it came with the first road bike I have ever bought, three months ago. Being a novice, I found the road bike riding position a bit strange, and I have fiddled endlessly. I bought the Charge Spoon because someone else hereabouts mentioned it was quite comfortable. I guess that a lot of cycle stuff lives in the realms of placebo, saddles included, but I think that the Spoon was £20 well spent.

I would , wouldn't I?

Have fun.
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