Seat Post - Old v New

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East Anglia
A few months ago I had to buy a new seat post for my Carlton as the original had simply worn out and would no longer hold a lateral position. Trying to find a 27.0mm post wasn't easy and at the time it appeared that my only option was this 'cheapo productions' one bolt design.


It seemed fine to start with, but after a while the saddle slid backwards. Maybe the fixing just couldn't keep a grip of the titanium rails because of poor engineering/design. Perhaps it might bite into steel rails and therefore hold it more securely?

I scoured the internet and found this 27.0mm SR Royal two bolt post which arrived today. Well, what a difference in engineering terms alone, never mind aesthetics.


I haven't a chance to try it yet, but I'm confident this will do the job. I think it looks superb. They don't make 'em like this anymore!
The SR Royal post looks a million dollars compared to the initial replacement.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Where did you get it from ?

Could do with a long MTB 27.0mm post for my MTB as a spare, so I can ditch the trailgator bracket in the summer !


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I found that i prefer the single bolt seatpost to the micro adjust ones, easier to get set up if you need to change anything and i found that the micro adjust one changed its set up over time even though the bolts were tight.
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