Sciatica -

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Duty idiot
Leighton Buzzard
Anyone ever had problems with sciatica. I can't cycle for any length of time at the moment and all my momentum has ground to a halt. Pain killers aren't working. Any ideas on how I might be able to vary my riding (exercise bike) to counter the problem?


Active Member
Cleator, Cumbria
After being diagnosed with a prolapsed disc which was causing terrible sciatica, the best advice I got was to go brisk walking for an hour a day. The spinal clinic doc said that I needed to increase the strength of my core muscles and that cycling didn't do that as well as walking.

My own personal experience of course, but it made the sciatica 95% better


I had very bad sciatica caused by a prolapsed disc for a couple of years.

I eventually took up pilates (which is all about strengthening the core), and this was my cure.

Interestingly, I found riding relieved my symptoms, I think the slight stretch to the handlebars opened my spine up and relieved the pressure. Shame it's not working that way for you.

This is the pilates DVD I used


Formerly just_fixed
I used to suffer from sciatica until I did two things....started riding fixed gear (sounds daft I know) and sports massage at my local university...they hurt like fook.

I've not had a sciatic attack since. I don't ride fixed now, but for some reason I never had a sciatic attack the whole time I rode fixed for a year.


Legendary Member
Far Far Away
I have been advised to take up Pilates too but as Sara, riding my bike is okay. Sitting, crossing my legs, lying down, in fact anything hurts like hell. The only time it goes off is when I'm working ( which involves stretching and bending/kneeling ) or riding the bike. I've found that a good 15 minutes of various stretching after riding eases the sciatica the following day.


I get it when I'm running - occasional numbness in one or both legs, despite lots of swimming, cycling and Pilates. I've had it for years, so rather than a mildly prolapsed disc it could be one of the other causes like a distorted piriformis muscle. Difficult to diagnose IME, without expensive xrays/ultrasound which the NHS probably won't want to shell out for.


Legendary Member
occasional numbness in one or both legs, despite lots of swimming, cycling and Pilates. I've had it for years, so rather than a mildly prolapsed disc it could be one of the other causes like a distorted piriformis muscle. Difficult to diagnose IME, without expensive xrays/ultrasound which the NHS probably won't want to shell out for.

Interesting. I had sciatica 3 years ago now and, while the immediate pain cleared up within a matter of weeks, I have been left with a numbness in left hamstring and outer edge and toes in left foot. Presumably still pressure on a nerve but have just accepted it and hoped it would have eventually eased off. Occasionally I think some days feel better than others.

No great faith in doctors with back problems but I suppose I could be asked to be referred for xrays or scans or something. Not sure if an osteopath/chiropractor would be any help or not?
Interesting. I had sciatica 3 years ago now and, while the immediate pain cleared up within a matter of weeks, I have been left with a numbness in left hamstring and outer edge and toes in left foot. Presumably still pressure on a nerve but have just accepted it and hoped it would have eventually eased off. Occasionally I think some days feel better than others.

No great faith in doctors with back problems but I suppose I could be asked to be referred for xrays or scans or something. Not sure if an osteopath/chiropractor would be any help or not?

Something similar here after a fall whilst mountaineering (huge rock I was standing on slid from under my feet, landed on my arse, bounced and went head first down a very steep drop - managed to break my fall about 2cm from my forehead hitting a rock (got my hand there first!))
inital pain lasted a few weeks, then eased. agravated it 6 months later which was hell, but that settled with muscle relaxants within a week
It flairs up from time to time, more of a twinge now and I have to remember to flex my spine, but usually good if I keep my core muscles strong and see a physio/chiropractor from time to time.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I used to suffer with sciatica like symptoms for a long time and i was even on anti inflammatories etc untill i read up on piriformis syndrome which basically where in some people the sciatic nerve passes through the pirifomis muscle and is constricted in exercise which causes sciatica like pain.
After doing the stretches for a couple of weeks my symptoms subsided as as long as i stretch regulary it stays away.
I am not saying this is what you have but it will not hurt to do the stretches..
my back problems started with an attack of sciatica, i now have 2 discs that have crumbled away to nothing and 3 above them prolapsed causing nerve root compromise . specialist told me that my sciatic nerve runs through my piriformis muscle, which is egg shaped deep inside your buttock . Heres an exerscise that helped me ..........

get a golf ball , place it on a hard (dinning room ) chair sit on it with all you weight (on the affected side )and roll round with you buttock on it ,, he said youll know when you find the piriformis ,and he was bloody right it hurts like hell at first but it relaxes the muscle trapping the nerve.....well it did ease it for me for a while.

Damaged Hero

I used to suffer with sciatica like symptoms for a long time and i was even on anti inflammatories etc untill i read up on piriformis syndrome which basically where in some people the sciatic nerve passes through the pirifomis muscle and is constricted in exercise which causes sciatica like pain.
After doing the stretches for a couple of weeks my symptoms subsided as as long as i stretch regulary it stays away.
I am not saying this is what you have but it will not hurt to do the stretches..
I found the same stretches worked great for me too,The pain in my backside and hamstring on my left side was horrible,the relief I got the first time I did those stretches was incredible.


Interesting. I had sciatica 3 years ago now and, while the immediate pain cleared up within a matter of weeks, I have been left with a numbness in left hamstring and outer edge and toes in left foot. Presumably still pressure on a nerve but have just accepted it and hoped it would have eventually eased off. Occasionally I think some days feel better than others.

No great faith in doctors with back problems but I suppose I could be asked to be referred for xrays or scans or something. Not sure if an osteopath/chiropractor would be any help or not?
I have some residual reduction in sensation and movement in my left side from my herniated disc. Interestingly when I'm tired I bump into door frames, trip etc, always on the left!
My balance is apalling, most practical manifesation of this is that Im very wobbly when looking over my right shoulder/signalling right on the bike!
I have some residual reduction in sensation and movement in my left side from my herniated disc. Interestingly when I'm tired I bump into door frames, trip etc, always on the left!
My balance is apalling, most practical manifesation of this is that Im very wobbly when looking over my right shoulder/signalling right on the bike!
snap! but with a different cause. Its like my body does not know exactly where my left side of the body only roughly. I also find my left knee does not always 'lock' into place when I am tired and as a result will go from under me causing me to stumble. Some of the pilates exercises I do in class require me to use the wall for balance.


snap! but with a different cause. Its like my body does not know exactly where my left side of the body only roughly. I also find my left knee does not always 'lock' into place when I am tired and as a result will go from under me causing me to stumble. Some of the pilates exercises I do in class require me to use the wall for balance.
Yes, my knee does that too. Ha ha! I'm like a wobbly old lady!
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