Scared of riding in a group!

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Senior Member
Hi All,

I've covered several hundred miles as a roadie but largely alone, occasionally with another but more of a side-by-side 'chat as you go' sort of effort!

My OH has been desperate for me to go out with him for some time now and I keep making excuses, he's more of a serious club rider than I am, they go out as the 'fast group' in a chain gang and are all about speed!

The idea of riding so close behind someone terrifies me, I'd much rather be alone - any tips for getting over this? I'm sure the problem is largely in my head - perhaps school cycling proficiency regarding breaking space etc has been drummed into me too much lol

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
You should tell him how you feel. You are right, a peleton is not for everyone.

I lIke riding in a group (or rather with company) but not riding in a club group. its too competitive with lots of social restrictions and rules that I can't be arsed with, it's why I hate golf.

You and your OH simply have different cycling ambitions.


If he is keen for you to join it would suggest one of three things.
1 he is impressed with your capability and wants to show you off to his club mates
2 he wants to impress you with his capability and show off his club mates to you.
3 he wants to share an enjoyed experience.

Perhaps give it one go and see what the answer is, y.ou never know the club may be excellent with some real personalities and future friends.

I really must try club riding again.


To be fair, I don't fancy that kind of riding either, although I like to press on when riding alone. I don't like riding very close to the wheel, it makes me nervous.

Another consideration is can you ride at the pace they want to go? If not, you'll be dropped, quickly become exhausted and it'll be "not fun".

On the other hand, nothing improves fitness more than riding with people faster than you.


Legendary Member
+1 do what you want. At least join a club where you will be taught how to ride in a group with no pressure to do so if not comfortable. It sounds like his group doesn't offer that courtesy but there may be a group in the club that does. If YOU want to join a club

I won't do it, I prefer to lead my little group of 3 but I'm not a big fan of being drafted
If a stranger tries to do it, they get told to go past or back off. I'll slow down to make them

I assume you've told him how you feel? And he should respect that


Senior Member
Our local club is quite small, there is a core of these serious 20mph averagers and then a few (often WAGS!) around the 13-15mph mark - I'm quite comfortable with the speed of this but its the style of riding I'm scared of! Both groups ride out in this change gang style. Like I said it's a small club, as far as I can see there's no 'teaching' involved, more just get on and do sort of attitude! I know the people involved socially and through my partners association with the club.

I have explained to the OH that I'm not keen but he's more 'you'll be fine, just get on with it' than me!

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Hi All,

I've covered several hundred miles as a roadie but largely alone, occasionally with another but more of a side-by-side 'chat as you go' sort of effort!

My OH has been desperate for me to go out with him for some time now and I keep making excuses, he's more of a serious club rider than I am, they go out as the 'fast group' in a chain gang and are all about speed!
I don't like the idea of it either, tbh, and fortunately, a supremely lazy winter means that it's very unlikely that any club would want me.

If you don't want to do it (and the club has no way of easing you into it and/or allaying your worries) don't do it.


Legendary Member
Give it a go with the slower group and see how you go. If you can ride quicker, have long turns at the front. Just be familiar with the hand signals used etc

I have to say it sounds awful!

If you've only ridden a few hundred miles on a roadbike, get more experience. See if you can find some buddies to ride with


Depends on what the club offer, if it's 20mph + chaingang then 1. You may not be able to keep up 2. You will hate it!

The club i joined offer three sets of social rides at a different pace, 14-16mph should be more achievable for most who've ridden a bit and will be a lot more relaxed / give you more time to react to situations in front / around you.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
I have never regretted joining my local informal cycling club. Yes, I can undestand your concerns about travelling at speed in groups, and you might be right in not wanting to do so. Sometimes the herd instinct takes in and it is all about keeping up. I prefer it when the group is slower and smaller, and when there are no sudden Strava sprints going on. But riding with a group teaches you quite a lot . I like it when fellow cyclists point out potholes and other hazzards, hang back to let you know the junctions are free, pull over to let vehicles pass, and take a turn on the front when riding into the wind, etc. Personally, I prefer group rides to be at speeds where you can chat and take in the views ... but each to their own.


West Somerset
You only need to cycle "on" someone's wheel if it's a chain gang. Otherwise just cycle as close to the others as you feel comfortable. The important thing is to make sure you pass on any messages regarding hazards (glass on the road, potholes, pedestrians etc) and give a warning if you're about to hit the brakes.


Eat, sleep, ride, repeat.
Have you tried a sportive? I know there's lots of different speeds/ abilities but you can at least find a gang who are doing your sort of speed and just practice riding with them for a few hours, so long as you pull your weight at the front it's all good learning.


Senior Member
Thanks everyone, I think I *may* attempt a ride out with just the OH and see how it goes, I can see him getting frustrated that I'm slower than him but desperately trying to hide it!

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Our local club is quite small, there is a core of these serious 20mph averagers and then a few (often WAGS!) around the 13-15mph mark - I'm quite comfortable with the speed of this but its the style of riding I'm scared of! Both groups ride out in this change gang style. Like I said it's a small club, as far as I can see there's no 'teaching' involved, more just get on and do sort of attitude! I know the people involved socially and through my partners association with the club.

I have explained to the OH that I'm not keen but he's more 'you'll be fine, just get on with it' than me!
Ok well, ignore my point about club politics, it sounds as if this simply isn't an issue as most the members are already friends...sounds perfect, can I come?

So on the point of drafting and working the front, well unnerving as this may seem at first,mits a bloody godsend after a while as you will spend a good chunk of time simply coasting along behind another rider.

Fear of impact, fast braking and avoidance of obstacles soon fades as you get used to it.

Perhaps go out with a few like minded friends (OH) and try drafting each other for a bit until you feel better. Be sure to communicate about slowing, stopping, obstacles and try not to brake or adjust speed dramatically. There is something extraordinary about riding well in a peleton, you move with instinct, like a school of fish or flock of starlings, whooshing along and covering miles much faster...and easier than when alone and the result is often far more rewarding.

It's funny, you and I have the exact opposite fear. I love riding in a group, but hate the politics. If I could remove the social rules, I would join a club just for the enjoyment of being swept along.

What's your biggest fear about riding in formation?

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
I have never regretted joining my local informal cycling club. Yes, I can undestand your concerns about travelling at speed in groups, and you might be right in not wanting to do so. Sometimes the herd instinct takes in and it is all about keeping up. I prefer it when the group is slower and smaller, and when there are no sudden Strava sprints going on. But riding with a group teaches you quite a lot . I like it when fellow cyclists point out potholes and other hazzards, hang back to let you know the junctions are free, pull over to let vehicles pass, and take a turn on the front when riding into the wind, etc. Personally, I prefer group rides to be at speeds where you can chat and take in the views ... but each to their own.
I wanna be in your gang.


Senior Member
Lol you should come here and join our club!

I think it's having to concentrate on being so close, not touching wheels etc and being so aware of what everyone else is doing - I envisage my ride consisting of several miles of me staring intently at someones rear brake ready to react! I normally ride along on my own, at a reasonable pace, but taking in the scenery and generally relaxing and enjoying it rather than spending the time fixated on someones back wheel!
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