Sagging saddlebags

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Part time Anorak
West Yorkshire
My saddlebags look mis-shaped when empty and I am looking for a waterproof plastic material to cut and shape as an insert just to give them form. Has anybody improvised or bought a sheet of material to suit. The Lidl saddlebag set which was on offer a while back had bendable plastic inserts which would have been perfect for my bags. I would use cardboard but we all know the answer to that.......



Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
Model shops sell a product called "plasticard" - expensive for what it is, and I don't know if sheet size is big enough.


I do believe estate agents use this material in their House For Sale signs, perhaps you could adapt an old sign?:whistle:

Amazing how often the simplest solution is the best one. My panniers are starting to droop a bit so I guess it is a hunt for a "for sale" notice, although round here we have hundreds of "To Let" or "Let By" boards plastering every flat surface.


Part time Anorak
West Yorkshire
Fantastic.......thanks for the replies, for sale signs, just had a nosey at a couple tonight. I may call in at a local estate agent to see if they have any damaged signs knocking about. Got some cardboard from work to make the templates......Im on the hunt!

Fantastic.......thanks for the replies, for sale signs, just had a nosey at a couple tonight. I may call in at a local estate agent to see if they have any damaged signs knocking about. Got some cardboard from work to make the templates......Im on the hunt!


Try a transfers and stickers printers; they normally do the correx signage for local estae agents and they usually have loads of off-cuts about. The printers that do my stickers for me here in Norwich allows me to take what ever I want from the bin. Which included a dozen pieces big enough to make wheel discs for the Norwich Bicycle Polo team.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
At some point I intend to make a saddlebag from Correx and gaffer tape.
Won't last as long as Carradice, but you can't have everything.


New Member
You don't have to buy it at B&Q, they use it for most of the POS signage so they have loads knocking about that gets chucked away. Be very nice and ask politely and they may well let you have some used stuff.

Myself - as pimpy as a carridice may look I went off canvas carrying equipment years ago as it's a ball ache to use and maintain.
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