Saddle sore...

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Kings Lynn
Hi all!

I have only just started cycling this year, using a trek fx hybrid. First thing I noticed was how saddle sore I got withnthe saddle that came with it, so I invested in a Brookes flyer special. So much better however I still get sore at around the 3 our mark continual cyclng and its really annoying. I am about 16.5 stone so realise I am still a bit heavy and that will affect it. However I am aiming to start touring soon but am concerned about the soreness!

Any tips?

Cheers All!!


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Your nearest BG fit store and use of the asso-meter


I bought a Trek FX at the beginning of this year and like you quickly ditched the awful Bontrager saddle it came with. I fitted a brooks B17 and within a few weeks my comfort was transformed. Recently I have been riding in jogging bottoms rather than my padded tights and the lack of padding has been no problem at all. I am 18.5 stone by the way and regularly ride 3 plus hours.


Baldy Go
I have seen the BG arse0meter at my local store that stocks 'Specialised' stuff.........but the sight of all those clamps, straps and probes combined with the screaming coming from the room put me off trying it at the time.


Active Member
I got my backside measured at my local Spesh dealer on their assometer. I made the mistake of taking my good lady with me. The guy measured me three times only to tell me that I have a very wide fitting. That's the polite way of saying fat a*2e! My misses couldn't stop laughing. To look at me I'm only average build height and weight with no rear end to speak of.
I bought a 155 mm wide saddle on their advice. I thought a 143 mm would be more than sufficient, so it goes to show that getting proper advice is well worth doing.
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