saddle level

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I'm a newbie and I would like to know how to level a saddle.
If the saddle is curved from front to back ( B17 Special ) do I put a spirit level over the whole saddle so that when it's level they'll be a dip in the middle or do I just make sure that the nose to just before it starts to curve is level?
Sorry if this may sound like a silly question.

I imagine its the nose that's level and that the back curves up but I just want to check.


Formerly just_fixed
i have a brooks flyer (b17 with springs) and i just line up the nose and rear with the lines in the garage wall, suits me. but making it level is a good starting point, some people like the nose slightly up, some like it slightly down. my point is, every is different. hope that helps.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I normally set up a saddle with the nose level, however as said above it's very much a personal thing so try that first and if you're not comfortable then move it, in small variations, until you feel happy with the setting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone is different, and every saddle is different too! On my MTB, I had my gel saddle almost perfectly level. On my cyclocross, I find if its perfectly level I slowly slip forward througout the ride as the saddle is much flatter overall, so I tilt the nose up on that one a tiny bit.

Play about, fiddle, experiment, and in about a months thme you'll have found the perfect fit!


The nose will be lower on a curved saddle in the level position. hpw much ? will depend on the saddle.

But as has been said experiment to get it right.
I was at a coaching session last year and the coach recommended that you should concentrate on getting the seat of the saddle level, the nose can mislead things (Like DiddlyDodds saddle). IMO also the level saddle is just a good starting place and although my saddles are level it may not be the best position for all.


Legendary Member
If you want to ensure a level saddle place a flat piece of wood length ways nose to tail then place a spirit level on the wood to check saddle is level. Adjust to your particular preferance.


Legendary Member
I find this method works for me.Nose of the saddle does not point upwards.May depend on make of saddle,but this method is agood starting point. you can always fine tune the angle.
Perhaps down to the Gym with the other girls?
Is this your idea of an insult? What are you, twelve?

If you tried to insult someone by insinuating they were behaving like a black person, you'd lose your account here (I hope). If you think suggesting someone is female is an insult, I think you should have your account pulled too. These forums are male focused enough without this.

To original poster, he's right about one thing: try it. I bought at b17 - agony. Tilted nose down - bliss. Well, not agony. Bliss is a few hundred miles away at that point.



Thanks Tucker.
That's very much appreciated.
It's nice to know that you obviously despise the idea of a newbie asking for a bit of advice from the rest of the forum users.
By the looks of your post you expect nothing other than people drawing from their own experiences and learning that way eh?
What I was actually looking for was a decent starting point.
I was then going to experiment myself and work out what works for me but you obviously have a problem with that. So much so that you couldn't just think to yourself "Why is he asking for advice? Shouldn't he just work it out himself?"
You felt compelled to spend a couple of minutes of your life replying to make sure I understood your frustration. I'm glad you think that spending time trying and failing miserably to insult other members on a forum is a good use of your already ticking time clock.. 65 aren't ya?
Tick tock.. tick tock..
Judging from your reaction is seems to me that you expect me to just get on with what I've got and not ask any questions from people who have vast experience with the situation.
It's just a shame that you don't seem to practice what you preach isn't it?
I see this from your first post on this forum.....

"Hello everyone, new member here and Iwill introduce me properly later.

Thing is I've been contemplating a short tour and though I'd love to just jump in andtake a Hammock or tent and all the exciting stuff to go with it, after reading through all the posts here I have to reluctantly realise that to start with I'dbe better off using B&B's, small hotels etc. so I can get some experience of long distance (for me) travelling.

My question is, what do you do with your bike? I mean, lock it up outside on the railings, take it into your room for safe keeping or what? Will they let you do this? Sorry but a terrible worrier here. Even though I'd make sure I had the money to get home I'd be devastated to wake up and find my trusty steed nicked. I mean, what's your experience been when you're in some town looking around for somewhere to stay but you have to be sure there's a safe place for the bike too?

Sorry if this sounds such a stupid question but it's beginning to bother me and as I said, I'm a bit of a worrier."

Well Tucker, what can I say...
You received a good few replies and you went on to say..
"Thanks very much guys, I feel a lot more confident after reading your replies."
Ahh... Isn't it nice that you could come on here and ask a bit of advice on a certain situation from people who have vast amounts of experience.
Or what about this post you started...
"Hi everyone, not sure if this should be posted here or in the touring thread but does anyone know of a firm that sells oversized bottle carriers? I'm talking here about a carrier that will carry either a standard 1 litre or hopefully, a litre and a half Plastic water bottle of the sort that you can buy in a Supermarket?

In case anyone thinks I'm just being a lazy git by asking here I have looked all over the net before posting!"

All over the net you say Tucker?
Well someone helped you didn't they?
Yes they did, they found one on Wiggle for you didn't they.
Was that you being a lazy git or had you not heard of Wiggle eh? Lazy git methinks..
Yet again, wasn't it nice to see someone asking for advice on a forum and getting a pleasant and helpful reply?
Well Tucker, like I said I see that you are 65.
One of your (supposed) insults was for me to "Perhaps go down to the Gym with the other girls".

Your simmering misogyny betrays you and that sort of rhetoric will only die out with you men of a certain age. Your sexual references suggest your own frustrations and or inadequacies and by the looks of it I have been blasted by the wind from your drawn out death groan...
A death groan that at home in the depth of night you have lashed out in pain like a wounded rat in response to the fact that you are old and ailing..
If I was black and you knew this, would you have used the colour of my skin to insult me? I'd hope not.
Why did you feel the need to reply the way you did?
My guess is secretly you realise you are sad, insecure and attempting to fill the void that is your sorry excuse for an existence..
I would now like to take this opportunity to thank all of the other forum members who have taken the time to post and give me their advice, it was very much appreciated.

Thank you.

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