I have an SMP Composit saddle. Tilted forwards is likely to be good, depending on what position you are in on the bike (how low, basically) and on how much you can tilt your pelvis when leaning forward. i.e, if you lean forward to the bars by bending your lower spine, rather than tilting your pelvis forwards, the appropriate saddle tilt will be different (not that bending your lower spine is remotely a good idea, but allegedly many people do, or have to). Fore and aft adjustment will also have a major effect so get that right before sorting out the saddle tilt. It does look relatively far back in the photo, but that's going to depend on body proportions so I can't comment on whether it's 'right' on not. The best thing to do for setting up an SMP saddle is read
Steve Hogg's excellent article.
EDIT: Just to add that I spent several weeks, when I first got mine, tweaking the angle. Once it's right it's extremely comfortable to the point of 'disappearing' on rides of 100-200km. The angle is critical though: half a degree variation is detectable, but not problematic, whilst a whole degree does become considerably less comfortable. The point there is to record the angle, test it, then narrow it down to +/- half a degree if you can. It's a bit of a fiddle, but worth it once you get it right.