For the last month or two, my SA 3 speed coaster hub has been complaining a bit when in 2nd (direct drive) - a kind of little "rer-ER-er!" every other 1 and a half's pedal strokes or so, which I can feel a little.
I thought at first it was the chain, or the indexing, but having had a thorough go over them, and the fact it isn't complaining in 1st or 3rd makes me wonder what's up. Chap at the LBS who built it reckons it's just some detritus in the hub, possibly just part of the wearing in process, and it'll eventually smoothen out, but it has been more than a few weeks now and seems no sign of abating - although I should add it doesn't do it all the time - there have been moments where I've suddenly noticed oh it's stopped ... but then just as I've got comfortable it starts again.
Anything I can do without completely disassembling my rear wheel?
I thought at first it was the chain, or the indexing, but having had a thorough go over them, and the fact it isn't complaining in 1st or 3rd makes me wonder what's up. Chap at the LBS who built it reckons it's just some detritus in the hub, possibly just part of the wearing in process, and it'll eventually smoothen out, but it has been more than a few weeks now and seems no sign of abating - although I should add it doesn't do it all the time - there have been moments where I've suddenly noticed oh it's stopped ... but then just as I've got comfortable it starts again.
Anything I can do without completely disassembling my rear wheel?