S6R Headset replacement - handlebar stem assembly stuck

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truman sparks

Well-Known Member
Having major difficulty removing the handlebar stem assembly from the fork tube on my 2017 S6R. Loosened the steering bearing locknut 1 turn and undid the expander cone bolt the 4 turns and tapped down. Vigorous wiggling of assembly result in only around 4mm vertical movement. Tried backing off the expander cone bolt a further few turns and tapping again, but although assembly turns, it steadfastly refuses to come out the fork tube. I’ve now loosened and removed expander bolt completely - still no joy. The gear/brake cables are not preventing release as far as I can tell.

Any ideas on how to remove the handlebar assembly? I didn’t have any bother last year when I serviced the headset…


Well-Known Member
Have you tried to soak it with some penetrating oil and some hours of patience before tapping it again?



if you can move it 4 mm, then it's not totally fused.
As noted, penetrating oil, in the US we have LiquidWrench...
then, patience, and possibly multiple applications.
after, you'll definitely want to take the headset off and clean regrease the bearings, since that penetrating oil will remove all grease lubricant...
Ride On

truman sparks

Well-Known Member
Have you tried to soak it with some penetrating oil and some hours of patience before tapping it again?

I soaked the whole assembly and tried tapping with a longer drift - no success.
Can you turn the bars in relation to the forks/wheel?
Yes, quite freely - there seems to be no resistance with the handlebar assembly in its usual position down again the headset locknut, but simultaneous wiggling and withdrawing gets it only around 4mm after which it stubbornly refuses to come out any further…


Well-Known Member
Yes, quite freely - there seems to be no resistance with the handlebar assembly in its usual position down again the headset locknut, but simultaneous wiggling and withdrawing gets it only around 4mm after which it stubbornly refuses to come out any further…
If I understand that correctly than the headset locknut is still threaded on the steerer tube.
What happens if you l unscrew the locknut a few turns more? Does it get more than the 4mm?


truman sparks

Well-Known Member
Try as I might, I’ve made no progress and fear I may have made situation worse 😬 - I’m worried that the wedge, which I’m sure was well tapped down originally (now so far that the bolt won’t reach) has become in some way misaligned or distorted with subsequent strikes with drift that it is preventing the assembly from releasing from the fork headtube. Unscrewing the locknut further makes no difference (Given that I was about to replace headset and could consider existing locknut as sacrificial, I also tried unscrewing this to bring it into contact with underside of handlebar assembly and gently force this upwards to see if this would free it but with no success).

I fear an expensive trip to a Brompton dealership might be the next step…

truman sparks

Well-Known Member
Thanks for replies and advice - I‘ll update in due course. So frustrating, as I maintain all my other bikes/tandem without any of the aggro/cost the Brompton has given me in the last 7 years ownership…
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