Rusty spokes

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Well-Known Member
Have noticed that the spokes on both my wheels are starting to show some ugly rust (the bike does get wet almost daily due to lack of shelter at work....grrrrrr).

The rims are white but the spokes are black so I cannot just over spray the spokes easily without catching the rim and it looking awful.

The obvious options to me are :
  • Wire wool the spokes - would like to keep the black look though + they will just rust again
  • mask the rim and paint the spokes - probably best result but bloody fiddly :blush:
  • Replace the spokes - bit excessive really (maybe, possibly)
  • Replace the wheels - costly considering its a £300 bike
  • Just live with it - :thumbsdown:
  • Buy a new bike - you've not met my wife have you?!
Anyone else had this 'problem' and if so what did you do...I'm hoping someone far more intelligent will have an obvious answer that I've missed :rolleyes:


Just live with it. If you must do something replace the spokes.


Well-Known Member
I gotta be honest I'm leaning towards a wipe down with an oily rag and put it down to bike 'character' until a new bike is prudent!

Paul_Smith SRCC
Surrey UK
Most bikes these days don't have spokes made of material that rust so that's odd. If it is indeed rust then wire wool with autosol chrome polish then if a very very light coating of oil to protect (as in oily rag kind of coating), wipe down and clean once a week is what I used to do when 'Bradkiss' chrome plated spokes were commonplace and would indeed rust at the drop of a hat; or should that be drop of a raindrop....


Spoked Wheels

Legendary Member
I've seen that with a subway bike I think, The spokes will brake even if you treat them, just a question of how long you can get away with it :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Rusty spokes are indicative of very cheap wheels as most are now stainless or rustless so maybe best to replace them if the bike itself warrants the cost. You could always try rebuilding them yourself with new spokes if you feel confident enough.


Well-Known Member
I do fancy having a go at wheel building to be honest.

The spokes seem strong enough and the bike is 3 years old now, and as I say does stand in the rain alot ...which is a shame.

I like the bike alot and don't think a new bike is really required (although I'm always tempted!).

Think I will price up some new wheels .... an suggestions, bearing in mind that its from Halfords and not a carbon titanium super road bike :laugh: ( and has disc brakes)

Then I may rebuild the wheels for the experience!

Spoked Wheels

Legendary Member
I do fancy having a go at wheel building to be honest.

The spokes seem strong enough and the bike is 3 years old now, and as I say does stand in the rain alot ...which is a shame.

I like the bike alot and don't think a new bike is really required (although I'm always tempted!).

Think I will price up some new wheels .... an suggestions, bearing in mind that its from Halfords and not a carbon titanium super road bike :laugh: ( and has disc brakes)

Then I may rebuild the wheels for the experience!

Yes, why not?


"Young and Ex-whippet"
I have a got a hell of a lot of rusty spokes on my front wheel (wheel is about 6 years old). What I have done is occasionally sanded off the rust.
If you want to keep the black look, then I suggest you sand the spokes and get them nice and shiny silver, and then buy some enamel paint from a model shop, and paint over the spokes.
I repainted the rim of my front wheel as I had paint left over from sorting out parts of the frame. The paint faded a little but the rim doesnt have any marks on it and shines in the sunlight. I need to do the same with the spokes now really.

Spoked Wheels

Legendary Member
I have a got a hell of a lot of rusty spokes on my front wheel (wheel is about 6 years old). What I have done is occasionally sanded off the rust.
If you want to keep the black look, then I suggest you sand the spokes and get them nice and shiny silver, and then buy some enamel paint from a model shop, and paint over the spokes.
I repainted the rim of my front wheel as I had paint left over from sorting out parts of the frame. The paint faded a little but the rim doesnt have any marks on it and shines in the sunlight. I need to do the same with the spokes now really.

You have to be careful with front wheels and downhill riding. If you have too many rusty spokes you have to watch out you don end up like in your avatar :laugh: - spokes are cheap and, depending on the type of riding you do, I would not risk it.
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