I used to be quite an avid cyclist, cycling around 200-250 miles per month. However for the last couple of years my cycling mojo has all but disappeared. I just can't be bothered cycling anymore - I see it as a hassle (oiling the chain, drying it off when it gets wet, tweaking the gears, getting washed & changed at work etc). This year I have mainly only gone cycling with friends for tours / weekenders or because the car is in the garage!
In an attempt to at least do something I joined the gym. However expense, distance from home, and never being able to get everything I needed for HIIT / floor work knocked that one on the head after about 7 months. I do have weights and a treadmill / rollers at home but never use them anymore because it's a faff digging them out / making room to use them.
My problem also is, once I get home, I ain't going back out again. I've started running after work with a colleague who is a similar fitness level to me and has a similar running pace. We will run no less than 3 miles about 3 times a week which is better than nothing. This suits me as it is immediately after work (so no chance of going home and then thinking "f*ck it, I'm staying in my nice warm house"), doesn't take too long and with a friend it is harder to wiggle out of it, you are more committed. Also running in the wind & rain doesn't seem quite as traumatic as cycling in the rain and seems far less hassle. I never go running after work on my own, even when I bring my stuff in, I always decide I can't be bothered and then just go home.
Has anyone else had these kind of "motivation" issues and for so long? It has been about 3 years now. There was a time when the first thing I did when I woke up was think of cycling into work. I'd do this regardless of whether it was chucking it down or not, indeed I used to quite enjoy a good drenching now and then.
Back to the running. I have an iPod with a Nike+ sensor. It's crap. The milage is always out by 1.25 - 1.75 miles even after calibrating it after every run. It quite often will stop recording mid way through a run as well. I'd like something more accurate & reliable. I could use an app like Strava on my phone, but digging it out the pocket to start / stop etc is a faff as I need to unlock my screen and it's a Galaxy S3 which is rather on the large side. I do have a Garmin 705 for the bike. Again that's bulky but easier to operate than an app on the phone. Has anyone tried using a bike GPS for running?
I have been thinking of getting a running watch instead. I'm overwhelmed by the choices, has anyone got any recomendations for running watches or am I actually better off with the bike GPS?
Right, I think I have waffled on for quite long enough. Those of you sitting at the back - WAKE UP!
In an attempt to at least do something I joined the gym. However expense, distance from home, and never being able to get everything I needed for HIIT / floor work knocked that one on the head after about 7 months. I do have weights and a treadmill / rollers at home but never use them anymore because it's a faff digging them out / making room to use them.
My problem also is, once I get home, I ain't going back out again. I've started running after work with a colleague who is a similar fitness level to me and has a similar running pace. We will run no less than 3 miles about 3 times a week which is better than nothing. This suits me as it is immediately after work (so no chance of going home and then thinking "f*ck it, I'm staying in my nice warm house"), doesn't take too long and with a friend it is harder to wiggle out of it, you are more committed. Also running in the wind & rain doesn't seem quite as traumatic as cycling in the rain and seems far less hassle. I never go running after work on my own, even when I bring my stuff in, I always decide I can't be bothered and then just go home.
Has anyone else had these kind of "motivation" issues and for so long? It has been about 3 years now. There was a time when the first thing I did when I woke up was think of cycling into work. I'd do this regardless of whether it was chucking it down or not, indeed I used to quite enjoy a good drenching now and then.
Back to the running. I have an iPod with a Nike+ sensor. It's crap. The milage is always out by 1.25 - 1.75 miles even after calibrating it after every run. It quite often will stop recording mid way through a run as well. I'd like something more accurate & reliable. I could use an app like Strava on my phone, but digging it out the pocket to start / stop etc is a faff as I need to unlock my screen and it's a Galaxy S3 which is rather on the large side. I do have a Garmin 705 for the bike. Again that's bulky but easier to operate than an app on the phone. Has anyone tried using a bike GPS for running?
I have been thinking of getting a running watch instead. I'm overwhelmed by the choices, has anyone got any recomendations for running watches or am I actually better off with the bike GPS?
Right, I think I have waffled on for quite long enough. Those of you sitting at the back - WAKE UP!