This bike is 1943 or older. In 1943 the company was bought by Raleigh and they were then just called "Rudge" and they began to use different head badges to the one your bike has. If you want to sell it don't bother doing anything to it as people that buy these bikes like to do it themselves. But to be honest it's not worth much especially as a lot of the parts aren't original. I buy bikes similar to this all the time and you probably looking at about £30 max.
This bike is 1943 or older. In 1943 the company was bought by Raleigh and they were then just called "Rudge" and they began to use different head badges to the one your bike has. If you want to sell it don't bother doing anything to it as people that buy these bikes like to do it themselves. But to be honest it's not worth much especially as a lot of the parts aren't original. I buy bikes similar to this all the time and you probably looking at about £30 max.