Royal Fail (partially redeemed)

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Über Member
SW Leeds
Waiting in for 2 new tyres for my Roubaix and I log onto RM tracking to see

Sorry, we were unable to deliver this item at 26-07-2024 as the address was inaccessible. We will attempt to deliver your item again on the next working day.
Update delivery options
Access issues prevented us from delivering this item. This could be due to a number of reasons, including locked communal entrances, bad weather, health and safety issues or road closures.

Access issues?! Let's see now: no communal entrance, it's just a normal house. Weather is very pleasant. Health and safety issues? Flat road, flat drive, no steps nothing. We don't have a dog. And looking on Google maps there's no road closures or even bad queues in the vicinity. And there's been someone in all day.
Did the driver tick the "couldn't be arsed" box on the system?
They have to be re-scheduled

this is due to the make - you can only deliver Roubaix on Tuesday

(its a joke - for those too young to know the song)


Heavy Metal Fan
It's often easy to blame the company, but a lot of the time it's the individual involved. I've had a few things (sold on ebay and then posted) go missing in the past, and RM were excellent. I uploaded evidence of the purchase and post receipt and they refunded the next day. One item I got refunded for even turned up 3 weeks later to my door!

I knew a chap (friend of a friend) who started working for one of the couriers (possibly herpes). He admitted that he had been driving around Dartmoor all day not knowing where half of the parcels needed to go. He had very little training, no GPS supplied, and presumably no screening of his capabilities because no-one in their right mind would hire him normally. He had learning difficulties but was also incredibly stubborn and shall we say not a very good work ethic. Then you've got the chancers who just don't care, will do as little as they can and accept being fired as an occupational hazard.


Legendary Member
I had an idiot Yodel driver deliver a parcel back to me the day after I had dropped it off for return. Partly to blame as I didn't see the label on the bottom of the huge box so didn't scribble/cover over
They clearly didn't link the scanned details on their system with where it needed to actually go! Luckily the retailer was happy to send me a new label but it has delayed my refund by a week probably.
I have to say RM are generally very good at delivering but their tracking system is crap


Über Member
SW Leeds
OK I take it back. They just delivered them! 🤷‍♂️
Maybe a glitch with the tracking system. Hope they're not blaming Crowdstrike! ^_^


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I knew a chap (friend of a friend) who started working for one of the couriers (possibly herpes). He admitted that he had been driving around Dartmoor all day not knowing where half of the parcels needed to go.
My nephew spent some time working as a courier in Devon & Somerset. He said that it was a nightmare trying to find some places. Where the heck is... Cutesy Cottage, 'near' A Village in Devon? :wacko:

Use the postcode, you say? The last time I was down there my sister and I spotted a very confused courier driving up and down her little lane. We flagged him down and asked if we could help. Apparently, he was trying to deliver to Obscure Cottage in Different Village Altogether! I told him that he was a 15 minute drive away from that village. He was using a SatNav with the postcode provided... I gave him directions to the correct village and suggested that he ask a local there where Obscure Cottage is!
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