Room picnic inspiration

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Legendary Member
I’m five weeks away from our summer trip and getting very excited! We have more hotels than airbnbs this year (don’t suggest camping, this is my husband’s requirement to let me drag him across Europe on bikes) and to save money, we often have ‘room picnics’.

Baguette, cheese, crisps, fruit etc is all delicious but can get a little same-y as this tends to be our picnic lunches too! What do guys like as a room picnic if you can’t cook in your accommodation?

Sushi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!


Kilometre nibbler
Pot Noodle.........................before anyone comments the trick is not to leave for 5 minutes like they say, they need 20+ minutes

I'm sorry but it's impossible to resist a pot noodle for that long. 5 minutes can be stretching the limits of human endurance.

As to room picnics - Supermarket pre-packed salad, crisps, fizzy water, fruit. And remember to pack some cutlery, even if it's just a couple of forks. The number of packs of disposable cutlerly we've bought while on holiday because we forget to do this is depressing.


Legendary Member
Do they have those flavoured packets of couscous? Soak in some boiling water and pimp with some olives, tomatoes, tuna etc.

Pre-cooked lentils can be eaten cold. Pimp as above. It might be worth you travelling with a little bottle of olive oil and some seasonings to pep up your evening picnic.

For many of the above suggestions you'll need a bowl or pan each. I got a cheapo picnic set from Sainsbury years ago which I plunder for my cycle touring. The bowls are incredibly light but a bit awkward to pack.

Chief Broom

Ooh cheese pasties! i do like cheese pasties :okay: and a nice salad, coleslaw, beetroot and some nice crunchy bread. Its all about quality of ingredients to make it lip smackingly good. Tesco's finest tomatoes....bleugh xx(, some gardeners delight from a farmers market...mmm Shop around for the good stuff :okay:
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