Roof bars/rack

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New Member
Hi, I am new to this forum, so apologies if you have answered any of my questions before.

I am looking at getting either Farad or Thule bars for my car, together with 4 x the Thule 591 holders.

So, my questions are as follows:

1) Are the Farad bars any good? As they are £100 cheaper than Thule wing bars.
2) How secure are the bars and holders? I have seen a youtube video where a bike is stolen out of the 591 in super quick time.
3) When all 4 bikes are on the roof - does anyone advise that I chain them all together for additional security?
4) When removing the bikes and going on a ride, are the bars and holders safe left unattended on the roof of the car? Or is there any other advice people would give regarding this too?

Sorry for such basic questions. Please help if you can.

Thank you.

I have Thule bars (2) on my Peugeot 308 roof racks. Have no problem fitting the bikes.
The bike racks lock to the roof rack and the support for the bikes lock to the racks. In truth, they don't look the most sophisticated of locks so I don't think they would be much of a deterrent to a determined rogue!
I suspect that this will apply to most racks. There would be added security if parked in a visible area,but few things are 100% safe!
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