RIP George Foreman.

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Firm and Fruity
An absolute beast of a boxer.

I bought one of his grills and probably used it twice. Completely pointless. What a great salesman!


Active Member
Iconic boxer and salesman. Used to have a foreman grill at last job and it got used every wkend for pig based breakfasts. I remember the rumble in the jungle.


Active Member
Too young for first part of his career but watched him KO Moorer. His life story was on Netflix recently, did anyone pound a heavy bag like Foreman!? One of the greats.


I do often use his grill. I've always liked it.


Legendary Member
One of the last great boxers and lovely man RIP

In that era we used to watch all the heavyweight fights at home

Ali and Foreman and Frazier and all that

saw the Rumble - totally amazing fight

Then coming back years later and becoming the oldest ever - WOW

the grill - never had one
when I moved in with my ex there was one in the back of her cupboard
I reckon they sat in the back of thousands of cupboards

but the people I spoke to who used them thought they were great!

anyway - he saw an opportunity and took it which is sensible
certainly worked!

does seem to have been a genuinly nice man - a lot go nasty with the fame but not him
says a lot about the man
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