RIP Dame Maggie Smith

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Charming but somewhat feckless
Scotland :sad:

She was so good in everything she was in. An absolute acting giant.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I never saw her in much. I thought she was good as Ian McKellen's mother in a film adaption of Richard III. She was the only one who could see her son was a bad 'un, and told him so to his face. I could tell he was a bad 'un too. It seemed pretty obvious to me. I wondered why the rest of the cast couldn't see it. But then I am a good judge of character.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
One of those annoying situations where she is billed as "star of the Harry Potter films and Downton Abbey". That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of her talent and career.

She is one of only 15 women who have achieved the US Triple Crown of Academy (film) Emmy (TV) and Tony (stage). And she has won more awards in these three categories (total) than anyone else in that club.

She has acted with Laurence Olivier, Michael Gambon, Derek Jacobi, Richard Burton, Orson Welles, Elizabeth Taylor, David Niven, Peter Ustinov, Bette Davies and pretty much anyone over the last 70 years who was an acting legend. And was the equal of any of them.
One of those annoying situations where she is billed as "star of the Harry Potter films and Downton Abbey". That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of her talent and career.

Yeah. And two people here have ALREADY cited those productions without actually naming wot she did won awards for!

;- )

slow horse

Active Member
I never saw her in much. I thought she was good as Ian McKellen's mother in a film adaption of Richard III. She was the only one who could see her son was a bad 'un, and told him so to his face. I could tell he was a bad 'un too. It seemed pretty obvious to me. I wondered why the rest of the cast couldn't see it. But then I am a good judge of character.
It's so frustrating when you can't break through that fourth wall and shake sense into people.
Yeah. And two people here have ALREADY cited those productions without actually naming wot she did won awards for!

;- )

I'll mention "Lady in the Van" then, in which she not only starred in the film but radio and theatre versions too and was nominated every time for awards.

Edit: @Venod post same time as me lol
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