Rim brake world.

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I was wondering out of all the rim brakes apart from Cranecreek which are the most powerful. It doesn’t matter about make, price or weight but pure grabbing power.


Best ones I've used were the XTR V-Brakes but for road uses the direct mount 105 brakes I'm using now are great.


Über Member
My understanding is that braking is a system, so the caliper, rim, pad and tyre all come together to determine how well a bike brakes.

I have TRP 957 deep drop calipers (about the best deep drop ones I've ever used) on my road bike with SwissStop pads. I clean the rims after every dirty ride.

I have never tried direct mount, but as above hear good things.

If it is road you are looking at and money is no object, HED do a "Jet Black" (or similar name), that by all accounts provides a noticeable step up from any other rim. They come at a cost though.
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Legendary Member
Most powerful ones I've tried by a country mile were the old Magura hydraulic rim brakes. Performance wise they were a different dimension to even the finest mechanical grabbers.

I'm not sure if the modern ones they do are comparable, not tried them.


Legendary Member
My 531 Raleigh Road Ace has 105 dual pivot brakes and they're lethal.............fine in regular use but in a panic braking situation they've spat me over the top a couple of times, using any more than one finger and they'll just lock the wheel before I can feel any resistance at the lever.

Chief Broom

I would'nt want more powerful rim brakes! ive had to replace the wheels already on my Dawes 201 and now that ive been ramping up the mileage i can see that wheels are going to be 'consumables' and will probably get through a pair a year :rolleyes:
Ive been cleaning the rims after every ride and wonder if this regime has any effect? If the rubbery gunk was left on the rims could this actually slow down wear? Only good news is that i wont have to maintain/grease wheel bearings as the rims will be ****ed way before any sloppiness occurs :laugh:
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