Right knee pain

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Well-Known Member
Hi all

I got right knee pain again today. However, today I found that the seat needed to be moved up about 1.5 inches at least.

However, most of the strenuous bit of the ride was done by then. Won't find out until next week if this this has been the cause. Would the seat adjustment have an effect on my knees.

I been running and I get no knee pain at all, just with cycling the knee pain starts. It's on the right knee on the outside, struggle to go down the stairs. Leave it to rest for about a day or so, everything is fine.

Is the seat adjustment causing the problem?


Rubber Bullets

Senior Member
I guess trying it and seeing is the only way to be certain, but 1.5 inches of difference is certainly enough to make a significant difference. I was in a similar situation and I reckon I only moved my seat up 1 inch and my knees are better as a result.


Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
One and half inches is a big jump so you may find that you stlil need to adjust up or down a little, even 5 mm can make a difference when you are close to the correct position for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Chip - if you Google seat position you will find out a lot more but basically your leg should not be quite fully extended at the bottom of the pedal rotation.

I would also have a look as to whether you are leaning on the outside of the right fort when you pedal - try keeping the thigh a bit closer to the top tube if so.

Foot position and seat position in the horizontal also play a part but basically I'd get the seat height right to start off and then use one or two lower gears (bigger sprockets at the rear) than you would normally so as to ease the muscles back into use. The thing is that a change in position brings muscles more/less into use and you need to give them time to get used to it.


Well-Known Member
Going to get bike serviced and going to ask evans to make. Sure the bike set up is correct.

I am clippless spd now so next is going to be the feet. At the moment they are set up so that the feet are straight.


New Member
hiya chip,

I've been having exactly the same symptoms for quite a while, I have it on good authority that the condition is patellar chondromalcia, basically the rear of the knee cap has gotten roughened up. any riding hard or up hills brings it on, likewise it can also be felt on stairs.
causes appear be be riding position (as you have suspected) or over use (which mine is - too much riding early season - ive had the problem since february!)

cheers Ian


New Member
yes to clarify I wasn't suggesting that was deffiently what you had only with those syptoms chondromalcia is one of the most likely given the extensive reasearch ive done on it. worth looking into anyways.


New Member
well theres a multitude of things to try but it really does depend on your exact issue. i have found that strengthing the vmo is helpful, like wise regular icing. ive recently started some extra stretching too which should loosen up my it band (this is very recent but im hopeful in conjuction with the other stuff it will eleviate the problem i have. can't come soon enough! do a bit of web reading on it and let us know how you go.
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