Riding with missing spokes

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Hip Priest

I broke a spoke on my hybrid a few weeks ago, but the wheel remained true, so I unscrewed the damaged spoke and ended up forgetting all about it.

Today, I realised that two more spokes have broken on the same wheel, and yet the wheel is still reasonably true.

I haven't got time to nip to the bike shop 'til the weekend, and I don't really want to use my road bike for work, so my questions is: Is it safe to ride with three missing spokes for a few days, or am I risking a major mechanical?

All advice welcome.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Jeez, how many spoked did it have in the first place to still be true, even with 3 missing?! Take it to get it sorted - asap :biggrin: No good just replacing missing spokes, will need a complete re-tension, imho.
Hip Priest

Hip Priest

Jeez, how many spoked did it have in the first place to still be true, even with 3 missing?! Take it to get it sorted - asap :biggrin: No good just replacing missing spokes, will need a complete re-tension, imho.

I'm taking it to get sorted ASAP. What I want to know is, it is safe to ride on until then?
Hip Priest

Hip Priest

Rather depends on how many spokes you started with ?
Front or rear ? if rear, drive side or non-drive side ?

It had 32 spokes to begin with.

Rear wheel.

I *think* the missing spokes on are on the non-drive side (I'll go out and check later).


Legendary Member
I've known of other people riding round for a few weeks on a wheel that's missing 3 or 4 spokes (starting with 36).
However, I wouldn't advise riding through a pothole.

If 3 spokes have gone in a short period, you can bet that others are just waiting to break. It really should be rebuilt with a completely new set of spokes.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
With a 36 spoke wheel, 3 spokes on non drive side, chunky rim, that has stayed true so far, you might get away with it until the weekend.
Personally I wouldnt risk it with any more than one spoke gone.
You still might get away with it with it being a 32 spoker but the chances of you losing more spokes soon are high.
Bloody hell, I'd be lucky to survive with one bust spoke, three would turn my wheel to jelly under my big bum :whistle:


When a spoke broke on my hybrid, when I took the the wheel off the spindle had snapped. Only the skewer was holding it in place. Bought a new spoke from the LBS and a spindle off Ebay.
Not sure if this was the reason the spoke snapped.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
sounds like you are playing cycling kerplunk by seeing how many spokes you can do without - dont forget you will lose more than marbles if you have one too few spokes and it gives in


Legendary Member
NE England
36 spoke wheel and one goes the neighbouring spokes take almost all of the extra strain, but the rest get some. Average it out the remaining 35 take 1/36th more strain. As more go the remaining ones get more and more strain until the wheel collapses. Try replacing the broken ones, an easy enough job with the tools to remove the cassette if they're on the rear drive side. If the wheel keeps on breaking them you need to either get a professional rebuild done, assuming rim and hub are sound, or buy new, better wheels.

You can ride home with a broken spoke or two but try to ride 'kindly'. I'd not deliberately set out for a ride with broken spokes.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
I think it's my fat arse that might be causing the problem.

A well built wheel will stand an unfeasibly large amount of abuse.
Rear non-drive side spokes tend to break because they are too loose, hence move a bit as the wheel goes round, and then fail in fatigue. The amount of weight on the saddle is almost irrelevant.
Hip Priest

Hip Priest

sounds like you are playing cycling kerplunk by seeing how many spokes you can do without - dont forget you will lose more than marbles if you have one too few spokes and it gives in

Not really. I was unsure whether it was safe to ride with several spokes missing, so I asked the question. Turns out it isn't safe, so I didn't do it.
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