Ridgeback childs bike for sale. A little over 3 years old. In very good condition. A few small marks, but nothing of any note. It's been ridden and cherished by grandson No 1 throughout its 3 year life. Only selling as he's outgrown it. Any excuse for me to buy him a new one.
7 gears on a twist grip shifter.
Pretty much as it left the shop. Has a prop stand fitted. All its ever needed was a new brake cable.
Plenty of adjustment for bars and seat. Would suit a child between the ages of 6 to 9 depending on their height.
Collection from Aylesbury. £145
7 gears on a twist grip shifter.
Pretty much as it left the shop. Has a prop stand fitted. All its ever needed was a new brake cable.
Plenty of adjustment for bars and seat. Would suit a child between the ages of 6 to 9 depending on their height.
Collection from Aylesbury. £145
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