Personally I prefer OS Landranger (available on Bikehike) for route planning.... cos the colours are a bit more obvious (to old folks like me who learned OS symbology when it was still at 1:63660 scale). Even then you can be fooled. There's a "brown" road (B road) not far from me that I avoid whenever possible - traffic on it is horribly fast.... in other places the A roads are no problem.
If you're ever unsure about how busy a road is going to be, then using Google StreetView can sometimes help out to get a rough idea of the road (and traffic that uses it)!
On the basic Map:
Blue is Motorways.
Green is main A roads
Orange is minor A roads and some B roads
Yellow is quieter B roads
and White are quieter country lanes (although there surface quality might not be the best)
I try to select a route that is made up of mainly Yellow Roads with connection as need be on Orange roads or White roads.
I never really use the other map types and local knowledge overides the above sometimes (ie I know roads that are classed Orange but I think they are as quiet as the Yellow ones ;-) )
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