Ride with GPS ....

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...has provided an excellent mapping service for maybe a decade. I see that subscription changes will follow. Can any one please summarise the vfm mapping options for a young hospital doctor, not overburdened with cash, who is planning a Strasbourg-Venice trip?


I don't know what the free version covers these days but if you've used it free for a decade perhaps now is the time to subscribe?

It's £49-65 depending on the level chosen. I like to support these services to make sure they're still available in another decade.

abcd efg

Über Member
I couldn't agree more. It is only right to pay for your use of the service. A few months to test it for sutability to needs, but then pay for the service.



Legendary Member
...has provided an excellent mapping service for maybe a decade. I see that subscription changes will follow. Can any one please summarise the vfm mapping options for a young hospital doctor, not overburdened with cash, who is planning a Strasbourg-Venice trip?

has it said its ending the free "starter" access?



Norven Mankey
The free version is fine for most purposes and I don't think that is changing?

We organised our LEJOG route last year using it. Just organised King Alfred's Way multi day tour using it too. I plan on RWGPS free and then download the nav file to my GPS. After the ride I upload to Strava (for which I do pay a subscription as I want some of the pay features)


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
Completely free. All features including downloading the trip onto your gps/phone, gradient profiles, saving of routes etc are free also. It has direct links to google streetview if you want a better look at the road. There is a patreon page which I pay into at a cost of about £3 or £4 a month for which I get access to official OS mapping and satelite views plus some other stuff that I can't remember atm.
It's brilliant. Better than that RWGPS crap. I gave up that years ago when they started adding charges for this, that and everything else. I still use it for logging my rides though.


Completely free. All features including downloading the trip onto your gps/phone, gradient profiles, saving of routes etc are free also. It has direct links to google streetview if you want a better look at the road. There is a patreon page which I pay into at a cost of about £3 or £4 a month for which I get access to official OS mapping and satelite views plus some other stuff that I can't remember atm.
It's brilliant. Better than that RWGPS crap. I gave up that years ago when they started adding charges for this, that and everything else. I still use it for logging my rides though.

Another https://cycle.travel/map fan :okay:.
Hi @gbs , this is Chad from Ride with GPS, and I see your question above. The Free option is not going anywhere. We'll continue to offer free mapping as part of the Starter option. With the free version, you can plan routes anywhere in the world from your computer, save routes and organize them, and then access your saved data from the mobile app. You can also record your ride with the mobile app, along with any paired bluetooth sensor data.
Compare the three plans (Free, Basic, Premium) by clicking this link, and then scrolling down - https://ridewithgps.com/plans
Additionally, we have a support team available 7-days a week to answer any questions that come up. Shoot us an email at info@ridewithgps.com and enjoy the ride!


New Member
Hi. Can anyone help me with a problem I am having with uploading a gpx file?
I uploaded a gpx file of a route I downloaded from the internet for a cycle tour I am planning but it has not appeared in my routes.
Now when I try to upload the same route again it says it will not upload as it is a duplicate file.
So I am stuck. Any ideas how I can find the one I uploaded originally?
Thanks for any assistance.


Legendary Member
Hi. Can anyone help me with a problem I am having with uploading a gpx file?
I uploaded a gpx file of a route I downloaded from the internet for a cycle tour I am planning but it has not appeared in my routes.
Now when I try to upload the same route again it says it will not upload as it is a duplicate file.
So I am stuck. Any ideas how I can find the one I uploaded originally?
Thanks for any assistance.

maybe in "rides" rather than "routes"?

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull

This, if you export a GPX from Garmin Connect it includes time stamp information in the track (for virtual partner purposes). Import those to Ride with GPS, they appear in rides. I’m sure it’s the same with the GPX you downloaded then uploaded to RWGPS.
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