Returned to the Office

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
Has anyone returned to their offices yet since the relaxing of restrictions??

obviously i live in wales, so the directive from welsh government is to carry on working from home where possible. So i'm still working from home for the foreseeable future.


Charming but somewhat feckless
I've never been away!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Briefly, for a day last Tuesday. At very most we'll be in two days a week. It's looking like Tuesday and Thursday for me. If three I'd probably do Weds too, but, all the Marketing Team are planning to be in, so the office will be packed.

I also did my first cycle commute in five years last week. That will most likely continue TBH, despite renewing my parking permit.

Our meeting was set up like an exam room, very weird. We've one department that has a load of anti-vaxxers, so that's going to be a challenge when back (the other Departments are the opposite).

Hybrid working from now on.
My contract has been changed so I am a home worker going forward and they’ve dropped fixed hours too, we just need to do 37hrs a week when we like during Monday to Friday. This is great for me as I can get a lunchtime ride in and pick the kids up from school etc.
I’ll probably attend the office every now and then but to be honest, there is nothing stopping me from meeting colleagues in cafes and parks etc for work/social which is great as it gets me out the house.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
My work's mentioned it but nothing's been sent out. Apparently we're returning September 1st for whenever we're teaching, but no information as yet on how, precautions, protocol for vulnerable colleagues (i.e. me!), etc..


I have never left and was 1 of only 2 people not to be furloughed at any stage. We had to reorganise the main office to get rid of hotdesks and make sure 2m distancing was kept at all times and we now have to reorganise again to bring back the last 2 members of staff who have been working from home but I have resisted the call to set up the hotdesks again mainly because some staff are still nervous so if you need to come to our place to work, you need to book a meeting room. I think it works as we have had the odd confirmed case without it spreading through the place.


While not in an office, never been away.
Do what you can to social distance (which has been impossible where i work), sanitise as regularly as possible, try not to touch stuff.
Our work would horrify some (hundreds of workers) , yet weve had very few cases apparently. So perhaps do what you can, look after your own space because theres a lot of people out there who just dont get it...or care.


I'm not working anymore, but I have enrolled in French even classes. They were doing zoom, which is why I enrolled, yesterday they emailed us all to say "hey, great news, the Government have OKd us to meet for in person classes, so it's safe". I replied "we'll only know if it was safe in about 2 weeks time, not a risk I'm prepared to take; refund please".
Yes, and not happy!. I have really enjoyed working from home, it just really suits me (live by myself, am very introverted, love my own company and really cant be bothered with office gossip etc. I also work much belter from home with having no distractions etc, but nope, civil servant and a public facing role (that I have been doing via phone, to a much better degree then face to face) so the higher ups dictate I must be back in the office :-(
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