Reservoir Bikes

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Legendary Member
I know there's already a "your bike in front of some water' thread, but this can be a more specific reservoir thread.
Only reservoirs, no natural lochs/lakes, as long as there's a dam of some sort.

Starting off with Loch Lednock, with the water level at the lowest I've ever seen it.



I have no photo, but on my last tour, because I thought it may be my last tour, I went to Thruscross reservoir in the Washburn Valley, because my family come from West End, the little village drowned under the water.


Oldbury Reservoir :whistle:



Prepare a way for the Lord
North Hampshire
2 in Spain, flooded Valleys

View attachment 650851 Franco promised compensation for the Ebro, most lost out and it was the big companies that profited. The 80ies Riano one same outcome.

View attachment 650852 The 1st is the Riano reservoir, flooded 7 villages. 2nd the Embalse del Ebro.

If I recall, Riaño was rebuilt on higher ground to replace the original town which is now submerged. I remember driving through the valley before it was flooded and looking way up to see new motorway (which at the time still had not been opened) precariously clinging to the mountainside.
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