Replacing Hollowtech bearings

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OK, I've ordered the correct spanner, complete with cap-removing tool in it's tail, for unscrewing and removing (good old Haynes manual phrase there :biggrin: ) theShimano Hollowtech bearing carriers from my Tif, but can't justify paying the £130-odd for the, admittedly very nicely-made, Enduro bearing removal/replacement tool. I am sure it won't break the bank to take said carriers to my LBS and have them do the work, but it's a real pi55er when I can get them almost all the way off!! Has anyone made a DIY tool for this job and, if so, have they any piccies please? Maybe this will be the spur I need to get my Atlas lathe into commission so I can make the required tool myself :blush:


Legendary Member
NE England
Removed as following answer clarified the request for my poor old brain!


I dont know how similar the Hollowtech is to FSA BBs, but i did mine here...

If you go down the same road, beware my method of using a piece of studding, nuts and heavy washers to pull the bearings into the cups, i actually 'sprained' one of the bearings inner races because it didnt pull it in 100% straight, causing a very slight knock on the new bearing. Removed and replaced it straight away.
I guess the proper tool will not let this happen, but my way was quite effective.


Legendary Member
NE England
Thanks for that. He's wanting to replace the races in the bearing shell. Sounds a lot of work and if the tool is £130 :eek: no wonder the question came up.

As a lazy mechanic I took the option of buying the new shells and bearings.
Thanks for the replies. Byegad, all I want to do is what was described by gbb i.e. draw out the existing casette bearing and install new ones.
Oh yes, without damaging the bearing carrier/cup/holder thingy!
Getting the new ones in would be no prob as we have both 10 and 50 tonne presses at work and I can used large-diameter sockets as mandrels, it was the getting out bit that was foxing me. Anyhoo, I have me nice shiny new Park tools spanner where wot woz delivered today from Chain Reaction, so I'll do me best to take the crank to bits (again) tonight and press out said bearings tomorrow. Here goes nowt!


OK, got the bearing cups/housings off, nice n' easy wiv me new Park Tool spanner. gbb, how does one get the dust cover off? Is it a pull out, tap out or careful use of a screwdriver?

Not having had actual Hollowtech BB's, i dont know how they compare with the FSA ones ive got, but...
On the FSA there's a cover sitting over the cartridge bearings. Its tophat shape, the cranks dont actually run on the bearings directly, youve got the tophat sleeve between the cranks and the bearing.
If yours is the same, they're easy to damage. I used a stanley blade, inserted it under the cover, manoevered it around to get maximum surface area of the blade supporting the cover, then gently lever it up using the bearing shell as a leverage point. It should pop out .
Ended up wussing out and bought a new Ultegra assembly. Rode it for the first time today, perfect on the way to work, on the way back the BLOODY TICK RETURNED!!!!!!! I now think it might be the pedal (Shimano M530 SPDs) bearings as there's some play in them, so will get LBS to adjust bearing preload as the tools for that are £50!! Probably end up replacing the spindle assys. in there too :sad:
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