I recently rediscovered, stored in a small cardboard box on top of a kitchen cupboard, a pair of Campagnolo brake lever/shifters I bought from here some time ago.
The right lever does not work - I've never attached it to a bike, and I can't quite remember what @redfalo said was wrong with them other than it was a shifting issue - but it seems like it will be fine going up the gears, but not going down. The release mechanism seems very weak: I've tried pumping it full of GT85 simply becuase I had some to hand (I'm sure it's been tried before!) so now I've concluded it needs new springs - as indeed I dimly recall being suggested when I bought them.
The issue I have is I know nothing of Campag really - I don't have any of it - I bought these as I understand that 10 speed Camapg shifters work very well with 8 speed Shimano stuff, which I do have. I'm getting very confused with Ergo shift and Power shift and Ergo power and all such business, and so I don't know what bits to buy.
The levers I have look like this:
and are labelled 0118905IC EP11IVLSXC 0001405069
I don't want to take it apart more often than I have to, or take it apart days before I put it back together, so I wondered if anyone can advise if these are the bits I (most likely) need.
Also any advice about taking it apart or putting it together much appreciated. It looks fiddly but fine, until you remember that some of the parts are springs, which tend to have a mind of their own!
The right lever does not work - I've never attached it to a bike, and I can't quite remember what @redfalo said was wrong with them other than it was a shifting issue - but it seems like it will be fine going up the gears, but not going down. The release mechanism seems very weak: I've tried pumping it full of GT85 simply becuase I had some to hand (I'm sure it's been tried before!) so now I've concluded it needs new springs - as indeed I dimly recall being suggested when I bought them.
The issue I have is I know nothing of Campag really - I don't have any of it - I bought these as I understand that 10 speed Camapg shifters work very well with 8 speed Shimano stuff, which I do have. I'm getting very confused with Ergo shift and Power shift and Ergo power and all such business, and so I don't know what bits to buy.
The levers I have look like this:
and are labelled 0118905IC EP11IVLSXC 0001405069
I don't want to take it apart more often than I have to, or take it apart days before I put it back together, so I wondered if anyone can advise if these are the bits I (most likely) need.
Also any advice about taking it apart or putting it together much appreciated. It looks fiddly but fine, until you remember that some of the parts are springs, which tend to have a mind of their own!