My oldest son has about outgrown his current bike. It is a pretty rubbish bike but has served him well for a couple of years. As a kid who just wanted to do basic riding, it's heavy weight, awful twist grip 6 speed gears, and pogo stick suspension fork were all fine.
He's now keen on learning actual skills. He's getting a semi decent entry level mountain bike soon.
But what to do with his old bike? I can't decide whether to save it and fix it up (pogo stick suspension fork has seized, brakes are poor) for the younger son to grow into, upgrade it somehow ready for younger son, or just get rid of it and buy a new one when my younger son needs one.
Any thoughts?
I had thought of giving it a good service, put new uprated brake blocks on, and either replacement pogo stick fork, or see if there is a half decent entry level suspension fork that would fit it.
He's now keen on learning actual skills. He's getting a semi decent entry level mountain bike soon.
But what to do with his old bike? I can't decide whether to save it and fix it up (pogo stick suspension fork has seized, brakes are poor) for the younger son to grow into, upgrade it somehow ready for younger son, or just get rid of it and buy a new one when my younger son needs one.
Any thoughts?
I had thought of giving it a good service, put new uprated brake blocks on, and either replacement pogo stick fork, or see if there is a half decent entry level suspension fork that would fit it.