Does anybody have some useful tips for removing pedals, I have tried WD40 to clean the threads but that hasn't really helped. Am a little concerned about damaging the carbon cranks as well. Help!!!
Just to double check, you know that one has reverse threading? I have never had to deal with carbon cranks but I just got a short piece of pipe and used it to get more leverage when I had trouble getting one loose.
Use a proper pedal spanner which affords the correct amount of leverage.
Reality check: the r/h, drive side pedal, removes anti-clockwise and the l/h, non-drive side, removes clockwise. ie both sides remove by winding towards the rear of the bike.
When installing, use a smear of grease on the threads and (of course), the reverse of the above.
Good luck.
Put the crank arm faci g forwards horizontal to the floor. Put your pedal spanner onto the spanner flats so that the shaft of the spanner is above the crank facing the back of the bike and push downwards on the spanner. This works whichever side you're on. If you position the spanner correctly you can take hold of the crank and spanner and squeeze the two together to add leverage.
One thing I learnt early on is make sure that your knuckles will be clear of the chain ring if it lets go suddenly. I can still see the scar on my hand over thirty years later, my dear old Mum found out how many swear words I knew that day.
One thing I learnt early on is make sure that your knuckles will be clear of the chain ring if it lets go suddenly. I can still see the scar on my hand over thirty years later, my dear old Mum found out how many swear words I knew that day.
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