Removing brake lever

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Hi, wondering if you guys can help... I've recently started changing some components on my old mountain bike - including brakes, which I've swapped for hydraulics. However, even I came to take the old mechanical brakes out I discovered the brake lever is incorporated into the gear shifter, which works fine so I'm not planning to replace just yet, and it appears to be riveted into the mechanism. I can't see any joints or any obvious way in to get the lever off - any suggestions before I break it?


Not without a pic bud..or a link to show us the one you have?


Well-Known Member
Tonbridge Kent
Usually combination controls are made as one unit. Easiest option is to get a new set of shifters if you are now committed to converting the brakes


Rollin' along
Manchester way
They're invariably an all in one unit as you describe it. Quick way to check is how many brackets hold the brake and shifter to the bars,


If only one, as in the pic, then all you will do by breaking the unit will at best make it weak and ugly, most likely ruin it completely and have it or the new brake lever poorly sited for finger control. Also the time spent doing it as well as it'll do is hardly worth the few quid cost of a new shifter. Twist grip or rapidfire, better to find one you like appropriate for the number of gears & derailleur you have.
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