Rehab post lung surgery and breathing technique

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Since lung cancer surgery 2 years ago I have struggled to recover even 75% of previous form. Particularly i have lost power in the hills. I am reluctant to exceed 80% of max HR so I have so far avoided HIIT. There are conflicting opinions about abdominal breathing, through the nose rather than the mouth and so on.

I would be very interestd in comments based on experience.


Not surgery in my case, rather tuberculosis.
Post treatment (treatment which lasted 6 months) I found when exercising, on the bike or even just walking up stairs meant quite extreme breathlessness. But...Once I got through that phase (5 minutes perhaps) I could exercise better, less breathlessness .
It's like the initial call for oxygen couldn't be met. It took me 2 years to even get back on a bike. I never really regained anything like my orilginal fitness.

My wife had a mid lobe removal 2 years ago. It's tough, extremely. He used to be quite fit but never had the desire to get fit again. We're both well into our 60s and tbf, even if all was physically OK, getting or regaining fitness at that age is surely harder.

Not much use to you...just our experiences


Puzzle game procrastinator!
In my case, problems not due to surgery either, rather due to a double helping of blood clots in my lungs 11-12 years ago.

I think*** that my lungs now are at about 75-80% of what they would otherwise be capable of doing. I am okay up to a moderately hard level of exertion so I can keep up with people riding moderately hard on the flat but once I start going uphill I struggle to keep up with anybody making a good effort. A steady brisk pace for them is a killer pace for me!

I try to keep just below the level of effort that causes problems, though that can be difficult on really steep hills unless I am on a bike with very low gears.

*** It is hard to know how much is due to my damaged body though, and how much is due to ageing and inadequate training. I think I could still improve my fitness, but I can feel definite limits if I push too hard.
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