Regent's Canal towpath - time to ban cyclists?

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pre-talced and mighty
Or, at the very least, put in bumps to limit their speed.

Ten years ago I worked in an office overlooking the Regents Canal from Orsman Road, just west of the Kingsland Road. The towpath was pretty much unused - I'd ride down to the Mile End Road on my hybrid and pass a couple of pedestrians, and maybe one other cyclist.

British Waterways were dead keen to see the towpath used, and they enthusiastically supported planning applications for flats on both sides. They let small premises adjoining the towpath. Nowadays you can get breakfast at some fashionable countercultural type counter, or watch the world go by from one of a thousand balconies. There are more access points, both stepped and ramped. Walkers and cyclists make their way along the towpath in numbers that would have been unthinkable a few years back.'s not nice. Cyclists behave as if they own the towpath, whizzing along at twelve miles an hour or more, forcing walkers to press themselves against the wall. Bells are rung when an 'excuse me' would be preferable. It's competitive commuting with the added risk of a dunking. To give you some idea - I passed sixty cyclists coming the other way on the two and a half mile stretch between Colebrooke Row and Victoria Park. The behaviour of a significant majority was mortifying.

There are a couple of speed bumps, and they do slow the cyclists down, and it might be that installing more would get the message to the fast boys and girls that this is a place they share, but, if, as I expect, the pedestrians keep on coming, it's not going to be long before the BWB is forced to call time on cycling along the towpath.
Speed bumps slow cyclist down? Really? I find they can be ignored regardless of which bike I'm on - however the ones I go over are the usual 'sleeping policeman' type designed for cars, perhaps cycle specific ones are heftier :smile:


pre-talced and mighty
they are really bumpy - about nine inches across, but with a lift of about three inches. I'm going back tomorrow and I'll take a picture


Senior Member
I gave up using the canal in about 2004 because the speedy cyclists pissed me off, use the roads if you want to hurtle along.


Dog on a bike
I gave up using the canal in about 2004 because the speedy cyclists pissed me off, use the roads if you want to hurtle along.
This is what I do. I think towpaths and shared footpaths are a great idea for those cyclists that aren't in a rush and are willing to share the space. If you want to go quickly on a bike, then I personally feel you should be on the road which is where you will usually find me.


What’s the point
the ride from my favourite canal place Bow Locks down to Limehouse is becoming increasingly fraught. i use it if i want a slow tootle . if i want a city stage of the TDF type ride i will use the normal roads. the same is also happening on the hackney wick bit of the lea navigation adjacent to the olympic park . its a pity as they are nice routes and the idiots are going to spoil it for us sensible lot


Somerset UK
The Dutch do a line in very effetive speed bumps designed to slow bikes down. Plenty on the coast route and you can't ignore them!


pre-talced and mighty
The Dutch do a line in very effetive speed bumps designed to slow bikes down. Plenty on the coast route and you can't ignore them!
do these bumps allow wheelchairs to pass freely? The ones on the Regents towpath don't, and the BWB insists that ramps to the towpath are designed to take wheelchairs


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
The Dutch ones I came across were like concrete pyramids about 30 mm tall on a 100 mm staggered grid. No way can you cross those at any speed. Wheelchair unfriendly too.


pre-talced and mighty

these are they. Definitely not good for wheelchairs
It infuriates me when I see poor cycling on towpaths, canal side cycing is one of the most relaxed things you can do and if you are lucky enough to to have more than one in your area (and can make a ring of them) then its a great day out.

If it is being abused in such a way then yes perhaps it is time to ban us from the towpath, not all towpaths are open to cyclists anyway. But, if that step is taken then as a safety question then do suitable facilities exist 'off towpath' for those not keen on road cycling?

Richard Mann

Well-Known Member
I used to ride it regularly back in '92, and it was often spookily quiet.

I'd ban the ringing of bells, put up 5mph signs (on a do-this-when-someone's-looking basis) and tell people to say "excuse me".

Mind, the alternative road routes aren't exactly much cop.


pre-talced and mighty
there is a route parallel, worked out by LOCOG with the LCC. It's not at all bad, although a diversion further north through De Beauvoir Square is really nice.

The greatest shame is that this is a great place to take your time. There's a lot to see, including some splendid planting and, this week, three cygnets keeping company with their mother.
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