Reeky Bike Shoes

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New Member
The last three days, I have come home completely soaked, dripping wet after being caught in one of these phenomenal rain showers we seem to be having a lot of at the moment.

After wiping the bike down (of course!) I wipe my shoes down, and stuff them with newspaper with a 'wick' sticking up to help them dry and place them on the windowsill to dry out.
Yesterday I noticed that the shoes were starting to develop a bad smell. I had the insoles out and washed them, and wiped the inside of the shoes with anti-bac stuff.
Today, though they were dry, they are starting to smell like a cat has peed in them!

It's a cat-free house! How else can I clean the shoes?


Well-Known Member
Spray them inside with fabreeze works a treat

Mad at urage

New Member
Always remove the in-soles whenever you use them, air these separately from the shoes and leave the tongue of the shoes propped pen wide. Especially on solid cycling shoes this is better than leaving newspaper in (which is correct for leather shoes).

If they already stink, wipe them out with a kitchen-surface cleaner type spray.

Separate airing of soles and shoes (preferably in the open air, in the sun) will prevent them stinking in future (IME).


Somerset UK
If you aren't wearing anything inside them try the little sport shoe socks - the ones that don't even come up to your ankle.

I wash mine if they whiff a bit, they are Lidl ones though so don't cost much if they're ruined. I do take the cleats and mounting plate off first, and the laces

If they aren't smelly they still get a squirt of anti-bac foot spray in them, as do all my shoes.
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