Recovery time.

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Just a quick question,I am trying to build my cardiovascular fitness through cycling and use it not only for enjoyment but also to complement my weight training. My question is what recovery time do you recommend between rides baring in mind that I also train my legs with a heavy weight session at least once a week .


Active Member
Depends on what your goals are? Are you trying to bulk up or weight training your legs for cycling?
Dave Martin

Dave Martin

New Member
Bit of both really, my legs have started to bulk up over the winter with the weights but I'd like to start increasing the indurance for the longer cardio and fat burning periods on the bike so that come spring/summer I can get some longer rides in.
I'll loose some size anyway as the body starts to hopefully get leaner but that doesn't worry me as I only do it for my own personal gains and fitness and enjoyment and nothing serious.
My problem has been so far that trying trying to do both has been fatiguing my legs very quickly and my riding has been cut short because my legs are exhausted in a very short period of time due I think to a not long enough recovery period.



Active Member
West Midlands
I too weight train and cycle to work on a 12 mile round trip, and cycle at weekends various mileage. I weight train for muscle tone (not body building bulk).
Because i cycle to work 4 times per week, and at weekends, i tend to train my legs light once per week - squats ect, and let the cycling take care of the rest.

I'm 6ft and weight is 13st, body fat 14%, muscle is 44%+. I have a toned body shape, not ovely muscular, i put this down to gym work, diet and cycling.

Don't over train legs by going heavy, if you do train your legs heavy this will impede your cycling...afterall have you ever seen a "bulky Pro cyclist" ???

It's all about endurance, and stamina.

Dave Martin

Dave Martin

New Member
Thank you both for your reply, seems I have been doing things a little wrong then for cycling (oops).
I started weight training to help strengthen a lower back injury that I got from doing Ju-Jitsu quite a few years ago and have slowly got more muscular over a period of time.
Not sure what my body fat percentage is as I've always used the old method of a pair of good scales and a mirror but I'd say at present I'm 8-10 lbs overweight due to the effects of relaxing my diet a little over the winter and dropping the cardio off for a while. I'm currently size wise 5' 11" and weight in at 16 stone with a 50" chest 18" bicep and 36" waist so I am as you can tell quite bulky.
It's becoming clear that if I want to improve my cycling to increase distance then I will have to train more for that than for weight training and start by downsizing . Lower weight with higher reps then and less leg work in the gym ?
I just want to try and get the most out of something that I enjoy that's all and there's nothing like the buzz you get from a good workout, bike or weights session.



Active Member
West Midlands

That's the way to go to quote you " Lower weight with higher reps then and less leg work in the gym " revised diet ( maybe cut back on protein intake ) and putting in the miles on your bike will take care of the extra weight your carrying.

Happy safe cycling



Active Member
Some good advise from everyone.The one thing I would input is trust your own body,only you know your extreme limits. I would defo go for higher reps less weight at 1 day a week but a blitzing session and have a "good" rest day the next day. Im almost the same dimensions(a wee bit bigger on the belly due to a shoulder injury when lifting).I found cycling after my injury and haven't lifted serious weights since. Take care and try not to overtrain.


Active Member
West Midlands
Thanks for the advise Graham.....I'll give it a go.


Your very welcome Dave, keep us posted on your progress.

Happy safe cycling

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