I've noticed a few little splits on my tyres, they've been on through the long winter with me, so it's probably time for a change. This is the first time I've had to replace the tyres and I get confused by the ridiculous amount of choice I have when looking for replacements.
The bike I have is a Triban 7. My next big ride is the Way of the Roses Coast to Coast ride so I need something fairly robust. I'm also a bit of a tightwad, so nothing too pricey!
Any recommendations greatly received thanks.
I've noticed a few little splits on my tyres, they've been on through the long winter with me, so it's probably time for a change. This is the first time I've had to replace the tyres and I get confused by the ridiculous amount of choice I have when looking for replacements.
The bike I have is a Triban 7. My next big ride is the Way of the Roses Coast to Coast ride so I need something fairly robust. I'm also a bit of a tightwad, so nothing too pricey!
Any recommendations greatly received thanks.