We're going to get a bike for my son's 5th birthday - he's not the most coordinated little chap in the world because of several health problems he had when younger so want to give him every advantage when it comes to learning to ride. He's learned to balance in the last few months on a fantastic little aluminium walking bike called a Kokua Jumper. The thing is so light and easy to control that I've been trying to find a first 'real' bike for him which shares those charateristics - I've narrowed it down to the Ridgeback MX14 and also the Islabike CNOC 14. I'd prefer the CNOC 14 based on weight and reviews but I have one big worry about it - the rear 'back pedal' brake. Does anyone out there have experiences of their children using them?
We're going to get a bike for my son's 5th birthday - he's not the most coordinated little chap in the world because of several health problems he had when younger so want to give him every advantage when it comes to learning to ride. He's learned to balance in the last few months on a fantastic little aluminium walking bike called a Kokua Jumper. The thing is so light and easy to control that I've been trying to find a first 'real' bike for him which shares those charateristics - I've narrowed it down to the Ridgeback MX14 and also the Islabike CNOC 14. I'd prefer the CNOC 14 based on weight and reviews but I have one big worry about it - the rear 'back pedal' brake. Does anyone out there have experiences of their children using them?